EWP 14 Town and County Histories
Item Set
EWP 02-5B Yr Unk Petition for school bus service to Aldie school for students living north of Little River Turnpike (Rte 50)
Yr Unk, petition for school bus service to Aldie school for children living north of Little River Turnpike (Rte 50) and VA Department of Historic Resources Information Sheet for Gilberts Corner Gas Station. - EWP 14-2 Yr U Woodgrove
- EWP 14-2 Yr U Wendell Kiline to School Board
EWP 14-2 Yr U Schools Open On Saturdays
EWP 14-2 Yr U Reverand J J Baker
- EWP 14-2 Yr U Radioactive Iodine
EWP 14-2 Yr U Morality Statements Quite Bigoted
EWP 14-2 Yr U Lincoln Old School
EWP 14-2 Yr U Douglass Students make Honor Society
EWP 14-2 Yr U Betty Fletcher will fly with TWA
- EWP 14-2 Yr Abt 1958 The Perfect Prayer
EWP 14-2 Yr 1958 Yvonne Jackson Gains Scholarship
EWP 14-2 Yr 1958 Teachers Ask for Salary increase
EWP 14-2 Yr 1958 Nov 13 County Wide League
EWP 14-2 Yr 1958 Douglass HS Popularity Contest
EWP 14-2 Yr 1958 Douglass Gained Tournament Status for First Time
- EWP 14-2 Yr 1958 Douglass First Win against Parker Gray
EWP 14-2 Yr 1952 School Board adopts Building Plan
- EWP 14-2 Yr 1952 Extracted Rooth Replaced
- EWP 14-2 Yr 1952 About Tarzan Bomb
EWP 14-2 Yr 1950s Ronald Townsend
EWP 14-2 Yr 1950s New School Loan Authorized
EWP 14-2 Yr 1950s Easter
- EWP 14-2 Yr 1938 School Brd November 17
EWP 14-2 Yr 1910 Waters School Pupils
EWP 14-2 Yr 1904 Philomont School
EWP 14-2 Yr 1875 Crossroads School
EWP 14-2 Townsend Serves in Puerto rico
- EWP 14-1 Yr 1977 Purcellville History
EWP 14-2 Yr 1958 Mar 6 Newspaper Article on Loudoun County School Building Needs Mar 6, 1958 Newspaper Article (unknown newspaper and author) on Loudoun County School Building Needs.
EWP Townsend
- EWP Honor Society
- EWP DouglassFirstwin1958
EWP 1958 Douglass HS Popularity Contest Winners
- EWP 1958 Douglass Basketball Team
- EWP 1958YvonneJacksonWinsScholarship
EWP 1958CountyWideLeague
EWP 14 Yr 1929 Round Hill History
- EWP 14 Yr 1929 Purcellville History
- EWP 14 Lovettsville The German Settlement by Weatherly
EWP 14LecturesatOatlands
EWP 14.2 Yr. 1958 Douglass Elementary Accepted Newspaper article on School Board decision to accept the construction on Douglass Elementary
- EWP Woodland School History 2
- EWP 14-2 Yr 1958 Mar 6 Negro Consolidation Plans
EWP 14-3 Yr 2005 Washington Post Newspaper article on Mattie Lassiter, Carver Center and George Washington Carver Elementary School
July 28, 2005, Washington Post newspaper article about Mattie Lassiter and her relationship to the Carver Center, Purcellville's George Washington Carver Elementary School and Purcellville's Black History.