Statistical Studies

Statistical Studies conducted by EWP volunteers that show who studied, instructed or worked at the various schools servicing Blacks during segregation.  We are also including data on text books.  The studies mainly derive from Term Reports.  No qualitative information on specific people is provided, as that is restricted under State law.  For that information, as the Records Office at LCPS.

Statistical Studies conducted by EWP that cover enrollment by gender and age, grade and other aspects, as well unique fields of data like whether the school sported an American Flag, conditions of toilets, details of construction.  Initially, these studies will focus on schools that serviced the Black community.

  • See research

Statistical Studies Commissioned by LCPS or the State.

  •   Race Statistics:  1880-1885 and 1910-1925. Race Statistics in the Loudoun County Public Schools (Race-Statistics-in-the-Loudoun-County-Public-Schools.pdf)