Item Set
- DSC 0031
- DSC 0030
- DSC 0029
- DSC 0028
- DSC 0027
- DSC 0026
- DSC 0025
- DSC 0024
- DSC 0023
- DSC 0022
- DSC 0021
- DSC 0020
- DSC 0019
- DSC 0018
- DSC 0017
- DSC 0016
- DSC 0015
- DSC 0014
- DSC 0013
- DSC 0012
- DSC 0011
- DSC 0010
- DSC 0009
- DSC 0008
- DSC 0007
- DSC 0006
- DSC 0005
- DSC 0004
- DSC 0003
- DSC 0002
- DSC 0001
- the-edwin-washington-projectvolunteers2
- Petition for pay increase
- Petition for equal pay
- PetitionHighSchool
- WillisvillePetition1931
- PetitionWillisville1931001
- PetitionTransportationToTrngCenter
- PetitionStLouis1932
- PetitionStLouis1930TeacherHire
- PetitionStLouisFeb1931
- PetitionDouglas1952
- PetitionBluemont1934001
- WillisvilleMap
- TeacherAlbum
- Edythe Harris Obit VP 5 Feb 1989 p B2
- Edythe Harris Obit VP 5 Feb 1989 p B2 (2) (1)
- 1931-1932conklin
- 053-0013 AshburnHD 2014 NRHP FINAL
- 143 Yr Abt 1955 Guidelines on Convention Referendum FOr Segregation
- 1948Study
- Balch Llibrary photo index
- history matters report april 30 2010
- Schools for the colored
- negroeducation00fundgoog
- Loudoun County Newspaper index A L
- Loudon County Newspaper index
- First colred normal school north carolina
- African American Schoolhouses community history and reclamation
- The Edwin Washington ProjectVolunteers2
- Presentation1
- PAge Posted on October 4
- LeesburgSchools (002)
- Volunteers
- Petition for equal pay
- PupilPlacementBoard3
- Repository Thomas Balch LibraryJefferson colored school A
- Data to accompany the speech on the need for education to uplift the race
- Repository Thomas Balch Library Kavanaugh Colored school E
- Repository Thomas Balch Library Broad Run Colored School A
- Database
- Potential history project references
- Outline initial sketch v3
- Outline initial sketch v2
- Outline initial sketch v1
- LeesburgSchools (002)
- Projects for students
- EssayFeedback
- EdwinWashingtonProjectEssay Katie and Sofiv1
- EdwinWashingtonProjectEssayv2tony comments
- EdwinWashingtonProjectEssayv2
- Potential paper on Equality of Teachers salaries
- List of Schools2
- List of Schools
- Edwin Washington Project Book inventory
- The Colored schools of Cincinnati
- Subsequent Educational and Professional Attainment of Black and White Students from Two Segregated Schools
- Harry Briggs Jr
- Black student activism
- History Project Journal
- Ensure these ideas are covered in the final application
- Email cover letter
- Email cover letter final
- Applicationv2
- Application
- Application final
- Draft frame for grant proposals
- Edwin Washington Project Book inventory4 7
- Priorities002
- Priorities
- Copy of EdwinWashingtonProjectPriorities
- Teacher Roster1893 1953
- SimplifiedTeacherList
- BHCTeacherRosterArciero current
- BHCTeacherRosterArcieroOct27
- BHCTeacherRosterArcieroOct24
- BHCTeacherRosterArcieroOct22
- BHCTeacherRosterArcieroJan2
- BHCTeacherRosterArcieroDec31
- BHCTeacherRosterArcieroDec17
- BHCTeacherRosterArciero7 May16
- BHCTeacherRosterArciero11 May16
- BHCTeacherRosterArciero01
- BHC Chart Arciero CY 1895 96 and 1896 97
- BHC Chart Arciero CY 1893 94 1895 96 and 1896 97
- BHC Chart
- Teacher Roster1893 1953final submitted to Larry 5 11 16
- Teacher Roster1893 1953amended
- Teacher Roster1882 1953Version 7Aug16
- Daves Spreadsheet
- Daves other spreadsheet check for salary info for older recordss (002)
- Spreadsheet of books
- Participants
- TeacherAlbum
- Presentation2
- BraudieMartha
- TeacherAlbum
- The Edwin Washington Project
- The Edwin Washington Project slide archive
- The Edwin Washingtonproject overview
- Presentation1
- EdwinWashingtonwithGiftedChildren
- Horsford Interview Protocol (002)
- Rocky Road PC
- WilsonHildaE002
- WilsonHildaE001
- WilsonHenrietta001
- WillisvilleMap3
- WillisvilleMap
- willisville001
- WigginsSadieHill003
- WigginsSadieHill002
- WigginsSadieHill001
- WigginsSadieHill (3)
- WigginsSadieHill (2)
- WheelerJosephine002
- WheelerJosephine001
- WarnerMamieRose002
- WarnerMamieRose001
- WarnerLouise001
- WarnerAliceB001
- WarizerCarneal002
- WarizerCarneal001
- WardMarcella003
- WardMarcella002
- WardMarcella001
- WalkerWA003
- WalkerWA002
- WalkerWA001
- WalkerJohnC006
- WalkerJohnC005
- WalkerJohnC004
- WalkerJohnC003
- WalkerJohnC002
- WalkerJohnC001
- WalkerDorisC001
- WalkerBirinsA002
- WalkerBirinsA001
- UnionStreet Building
- TroyRevJohnH002
- TroyRevJohnH001
- TeacherTermReports
- SydnorStephenMcClennan002
- SydnorStephenMcClennan001
- SwannRoseyM002
- SwannRoseyM001
- SummervilleMargaretWillis002
- SummervilleMargaretWillis001
- StuartMaryE001
- StradfordJohnEdward002
- StradfordJohnEdward001
- StewartGertrudeE003
- StewartGertrudeE002
- StewartGertrudeE001
- StewartGeorge001
- StevensonSadie001
- StevensonEmma001
- StevensonCH001
- SpriggsCarrieL002
- SpriggsCarrieL001
- SmithMildaM003
- SmithMildaM002
- SmithMildaM001
- SmithJohnPortrait
- SmithJohnnyJerome002