Sterling Colored
Item Set
EWP 6-6 Yr 1961 Sterling Non-Enrollment
EWP 6-6 Yr 1961 Sterling Elementary Enrollment
- EWP Sterling White School Study
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Sterling wants no change in faculty
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1938 Sterling White Asks to Remove Mrs Mildred Rawlings
- EWP Sterling Request
EWP Sterling 2
EWP Sterling 1
EWP 17 Yr 1955 Appointment of Principal of Sterling
- EWP 6-3-3 Sterling 1920-1924
EWP 16 Sterling White 1940
- 2_5_B Yr Unk Sterling Request to Retain Faculty
- 2_5_B Yr 1938 Aug Sterling Request to Transfer Children
- EWP 16 Sterling White 1982a
- EWP 16 Sterling White 1982
EWP 5-2 Yr 1948 May Music Festival Sterling School
- EWP 6-6 Sterling W Grade 1-7 Yr 1963 to 1965
- EWP 6-6 Sterling W Grade 1-7 Yr 1917 to 1964
- EWP 11 Yr 1940 Sterling White School - Duplicate
- EWP White School Sterling Map 1923
- EWP 11 Yr 1982 Sterling White School
- EWP 11 Yr 1940 Sterling White School - Duplicate
- EWP 11 Yr 1940 Sterling White School
EWP 11 Yr 1954 June Sterling Fire Loss
EWP 09 Sterling 1 with 3 mile It's estimated that the maximum distance students would have walked to this school is 3 miles one way. The graphic shows the area from which students may have walked to this school.
EWP 09 Sterling 2 with 3 mile It's estimated that the maximum distance students would have walked to this school is 3 miles one way. The graphic shows the area from which students may have walked to this school.
- EWP Sterling
- EWP 9-3 Yr 1955 Furniture for Sterling White School
- EWP 9-2-3Yr1942to45WhiteSterlingSchool
- EWP 9-1 Yr 1948 Deeds Sterling Hillsboro Colored Rock Hill Marble Quarry Lincoln Colored Purcellv
Sterling 1940
Sterling White School
EWP Sterling 1940.jpg