EWP 2-6 Yr 1936 School Trustee Electoral Board and School Board.pdf


EWP 2-6 Yr 1936 School Trustee Electoral Board and School Board.pdf
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/Volumes/Elements/EWP Files/source/Ingest One/2 Petitions Plans School Board and Districts/2-3_School_Trustee_Electoral_Board
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/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP Files/OCR/Petitions/2-3_School_Trustee_Electoral_Board/EWP_2-6_Yr_1936_School_Trustee_Electoral_Board_and_School_Board_ocr.pdf
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Section 653. School Trustee Electoral Boards; county school
boards; special school districts; school levies In each county there shall be a board, to be known as the school
trustee electoral board, which shall be composed of three resident
qualified voters, who are not county or State officers, to be appointed by the circuit court of each county, or the judge thereof in vacation,
within thirty days after the first day of July, nineteen hundred and
thirty, and every I our years thereafter. The said members of the trustee
electoral board shall each receive a per diem of two dollars for each
day actually employed, to be paid out of the county school fund. Any
vacancy occurring within the term of the said appointees shall be filled
by the circuit court, or by the judge thereof in vacation, within thirby
days thereafter. The county school board shall consist of one member
appointed from each school district in the county by the school trustee
electoral board, provided in touns constituting separate school districts
and operated by a school board of three members, one of said members
shall be designated by the town board a S a member of the county school
board. The members of the county school board from the several districts
shall have no organization and duties except as may be assigned to them
by the school board as a whole. Before any appointment is made by the
electoral board it shall give notice, by publication for two successive
weeks, in a newspaper having general circulation in such county of time
and place of any meeting for the purpose of appointing the mebers of the
county school board.
The members so appointed shall constitute the county school board,
and every such board is hereby declared a body corporate, under the
syle of the county school board of
county, and may,

Section 653 - Page 2

in its corporate capacity, suel or be sued, contract or be contracted
with, and, in general, is vested with all the powers, and charged with
all the duties, obligations and responsi ilities imposed upon such board
as such by law. The memebrs of the county school board shall be appointed
wi thin sixty days prior to July first, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight,
and within sixty days prior to July first every four years thereafter.
They shall take office on July first following their appointment, and shall
hold office for a term of four years, and thereafter until their successors
have been appointed and have qualified. Any vacancy in the county school
board shall be filled by appointment by the trustee electoral board. The
present trustee electoral boards and county school boards now in office,
shall continue to hold office until their sucessors have been appointed
and qualified. All of such school trustees shall qualifiy before the
county clerk, by taking the oath prescribed for State officers. The
county school board may in its discretion provide for a per diem not
exceeding five dollars per day and mileage not to exceed five cents
per mile for each mile of thavel on each
of such attendance by most direct route in going to and returning from
the place of meeting for each member for each day he is in attendance
upon meetings of the board, not to exceed thirtydays in any one year,
such per diem to be paid as other school expenses are paid. Provided
that in counties, adjacent to cities having, according to thelast
United States census, a population of one hundred thousand or more,
and in counties having a density of population of more than five hundred
per square mile the county school board may pay each of its members an
annual salary of three hundred dollars, payable in equal monthly installments.
For the purpose of representation each magisterial district shall,
except where otherwise provided by law, constitute a separate school


Section 653 - Page 3
district, but for all other school purposes, taxation, management, control,
and operation, the county school be the unit, and the school affairs
of such county managed as if the county constituted but one school
district, provided, however, nothing in this section shall be construed
to prohibit the levying of a district tax to provide interest and sinking fund for a district bond issue as provided in section six hundred
and seventy-three, or for the levying of a district tax on recommendation of the county school board to pay existing district indebtedness.
all special school districts and special town school districts except
the sepcial school district for the Town of Leesburg, of Loudoun
County and of Lexingtonof Rockbridge county and the town of Bedford
of Bedford county which are hereby preserved, are hereby expressly
abolished, except special town school districts which are located in
more than one county, which last mentioned districts are hereby expressly retained as they exist at the present time; provided however,
that the Town of Herndon, of Fairfax county, and the town of Colonial
Beach, of Westmoreland county, and incorporated towns having a population of not less than one thousand inhabitants, according to the last
United States census, may, by ordinance of the town council and by and
with the approval of the State Board of Education, be constituted
separate school districts either for the purpose of representation on
the county school board, or for the purpose of being operated as
separate school districtx under a town school board of three members,
appointed by the town council. In the event that such a town district
be set up, to be operated by a board of three members, the mebers of
such board shall be appointed in accordance with section seven hundred
and eighty of the Code, providing for the appointment of trustees in
cities and of such members, one shall be designated by the town school
board as a member of the county school board and entitled to serve as
a member of said county board.



Section 653. School Trustee Electoral Boards; county school
boards; special school districts; school levies In each county there shall be a board, to be known as the school
trustee electoral board, which shall be composed of three resident
qualified voters, who are not county or State officers, to be appointed by the circuit court of each county, or the judge thereof in vacation,
within thirty days after the first day of July, nineteen hundred and
thirty, and every I our years thereafter. The said members of the trustee
electoral board shall each receive a per diem of two dollars for each
day actually employed, to be paid out of the county school fund. Any
vacancy occurring within the term of the said appointees shall be filled
by the circuit court, or by the judge thereof in vacation, within thirby
days thereafter. The county school board shall consist of one member
appointed from each school district in the county by the school trustee
electoral board, provided in touns constituting separate school districts
and operated by a school board of three members, one of said members
shall be designated by the town board a S a member of the county school
board. The members of the county school board from the several districts
shall have no organization and duties except as may be assigned to them
by the school board as a whole. Before any appointment is made by the
electoral board it shall give notice, by publication for two successive
weeks, in a newspaper having general circulation in such county of time
and place of any meeting for the purpose of appointing the mebers of the
county school board.
The members so appointed shall constitute the county school board,
and every such board is hereby declared a body corporate, under the
syle of the county school board of
county, and may,

Section 653 - Page 2

in its corporate capacity, suel or be sued, contract or be contracted
with, and, in general, is vested with all the powers, and charged with
all the duties, obligations and responsi ilities imposed upon such board
as such by law. The memebrs of the county school board shall be appointed
wi thin sixty days prior to July first, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight,
and within sixty days prior to July first every four years thereafter.
They shall take office on July first following their appointment, and shall
hold office for a term of four years, and thereafter until their successors
have been appointed and have qualified. Any vacancy in the county school
board shall be filled by appointment by the trustee electoral board. The
present trustee electoral boards and county school boards now in office,
shall continue to hold office until their sucessors have been appointed
and qualified. All of such school trustees shall qualifiy before the
county clerk, by taking the oath prescribed for State officers. The
county school board may in its discretion provide for a per diem not
exceeding five dollars per day and mileage not to exceed five cents
per mile for each mile of thavel on each
of such attendance by most direct route in going to and returning from
the place of meeting for each member for each day he is in attendance
upon meetings of the board, not to exceed thirtydays in any one year,
such per diem to be paid as other school expenses are paid. Provided
that in counties, adjacent to cities having, according to thelast
United States census, a population of one hundred thousand or more,
and in counties having a density of population of more than five hundred
per square mile the county school board may pay each of its members an
annual salary of three hundred dollars, payable in equal monthly installments.
For the purpose of representation each magisterial district shall,
except where otherwise provided by law, constitute a separate school


Section 653 - Page 3
district, but for all other school purposes, taxation, management, control,
and operation, the county school be the unit, and the school affairs
of such county managed as if the county constituted but one school
district, provided, however, nothing in this section shall be construed
to prohibit the levying of a district tax to provide interest and sinking fund for a district bond issue as provided in section six hundred
and seventy-three, or for the levying of a district tax on recommendation of the county school board to pay existing district indebtedness.
all special school districts and special town school districts except
the sepcial school district for the Town of Leesburg, of Loudoun
County and of Lexingtonof Rockbridge county and the town of Bedford
of Bedford county which are hereby preserved, are hereby expressly
abolished, except special town school districts which are located in
more than one county, which last mentioned districts are hereby expressly retained as they exist at the present time; provided however,
that the Town of Herndon, of Fairfax county, and the town of Colonial
Beach, of Westmoreland county, and incorporated towns having a population of not less than one thousand inhabitants, according to the last
United States census, may, by ordinance of the town council and by and
with the approval of the State Board of Education, be constituted
separate school districts either for the purpose of representation on
the county school board, or for the purpose of being operated as
separate school districtx under a town school board of three members,
appointed by the town council. In the event that such a town district
be set up, to be operated by a board of three members, the mebers of
such board shall be appointed in accordance with section seven hundred
and eighty of the Code, providing for the appointment of trustees in
cities and of such members, one shall be designated by the town school
board as a member of the county school board and entitled to serve as
a member of said county board.



Section 653. School Trustee Electoral Boards; county school
boards; special school districts; school levies In each county there shall be a board, to be known as the school
trustee electoral board, which shall be composed of three resident
qualified voters, who are not county or State officers, to be appointed by the circuit court of each county, or the judge thereof in vacation,
within thirty days after the first day of July, nineteen hundred and
thirty, and every I our years thereafter. The said members of the trustee
electoral board shall each receive a per diem of two dollars for each
day actually employed, to be paid out of the county school fund. Any
vacancy occurring within the term of the said appointees shall be filled
by the circuit court, or by the judge thereof in vacation, within thirby
days thereafter. The county school board shall consist of one member
appointed from each school district in the county by the school trustee
electoral board, provided in touns constituting separate school districts
and operated by a school board of three members, one of said members
shall be designated by the town board a S a member of the county school
board. The members of the county school board from the several districts
shall have no organization and duties except as may be assigned to them
by the school board as a whole. Before any appointment is made by the
electoral board it shall give notice, by publication for two successive
weeks, in a newspaper having general circulation in such county of time
and place of any meeting for the purpose of appointing the mebers of the
county school board.
The members so appointed shall constitute the county school board,
and every such board is hereby declared a body corporate, under the
syle of the county school board of
county, and may,

Section 653 - Page 2

in its corporate capacity, suel or be sued, contract or be contracted
with, and, in general, is vested with all the powers, and charged with
all the duties, obligations and responsi ilities imposed upon such board
as such by law. The memebrs of the county school board shall be appointed
wi thin sixty days prior to July first, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight,
and within sixty days prior to July first every four years thereafter.
They shall take office on July first following their appointment, and shall
hold office for a term of four years, and thereafter until their successors
have been appointed and have qualified. Any vacancy in the county school
board shall be filled by appointment by the trustee electoral board. The
present trustee electoral boards and county school boards now in office,
shall continue to hold office until their sucessors have been appointed
and qualified. All of such school trustees shall qualifiy before the
county clerk, by taking the oath prescribed for State officers. The
county school board may in its discretion provide for a per diem not
exceeding five dollars per day and mileage not to exceed five cents
per mile for each mile of thavel on each
of such attendance by most direct route in going to and returning from
the place of meeting for each member for each day he is in attendance
upon meetings of the board, not to exceed thirtydays in any one year,
such per diem to be paid as other school expenses are paid. Provided
that in counties, adjacent to cities having, according to thelast
United States census, a population of one hundred thousand or more,
and in counties having a density of population of more than five hundred
per square mile the county school board may pay each of its members an
annual salary of three hundred dollars, payable in equal monthly installments.
For the purpose of representation each magisterial district shall,
except where otherwise provided by law, constitute a separate school


Section 653 - Page 3
district, but for all other school purposes, taxation, management, control,
and operation, the county school be the unit, and the school affairs
of such county managed as if the county constituted but one school
district, provided, however, nothing in this section shall be construed
to prohibit the levying of a district tax to provide interest and sinking fund for a district bond issue as provided in section six hundred
and seventy-three, or for the levying of a district tax on recommendation of the county school board to pay existing district indebtedness.
all special school districts and special town school districts except
the sepcial school district for the Town of Leesburg, of Loudoun
County and of Lexingtonof Rockbridge county and the town of Bedford
of Bedford county which are hereby preserved, are hereby expressly
abolished, except special town school districts which are located in
more than one county, which last mentioned districts are hereby expressly retained as they exist at the present time; provided however,
that the Town of Herndon, of Fairfax county, and the town of Colonial
Beach, of Westmoreland county, and incorporated towns having a population of not less than one thousand inhabitants, according to the last
United States census, may, by ordinance of the town council and by and
with the approval of the State Board of Education, be constituted
separate school districts either for the purpose of representation on
the county school board, or for the purpose of being operated as
separate school districtx under a town school board of three members,
appointed by the town council. In the event that such a town district
be set up, to be operated by a board of three members, the mebers of
such board shall be appointed in accordance with section seven hundred
and eighty of the Code, providing for the appointment of trustees in
cities and of such members, one shall be designated by the town school
board as a member of the county school board and entitled to serve as
a member of said county board.



Section 653. School Trustee Electoral Boards; county school
boards; special school districts; school levies In each county there shall be a board, to be known as the school
trustee electoral board, which shall be composed of three resident
qualified voters, who are not county or State officers, to be appointed by the circuit court of each county, or the judge thereof in vacation,
within thirty days after the first day of July, nineteen hundred and
thirty, and every I our years thereafter. The said members of the trustee
electoral board shall each receive a per diem of two dollars for each
day actually employed, to be paid out of the county school fund. Any
vacancy occurring within the term of the said appointees shall be filled
by the circuit court, or by the judge thereof in vacation, within thirby
days thereafter. The county school board shall consist of one member
appointed from each school district in the county by the school trustee
electoral board, provided in touns constituting separate school districts
and operated by a school board of three members, one of said members
shall be designated by the town board a S a member of the county school
board. The members of the county school board from the several districts
shall have no organization and duties except as may be assigned to them
by the school board as a whole. Before any appointment is made by the
electoral board it shall give notice, by publication for two successive
weeks, in a newspaper having general circulation in such county of time
and place of any meeting for the purpose of appointing the mebers of the
county school board.
The members so appointed shall constitute the county school board,
and every such board is hereby declared a body corporate, under the
syle of the county school board of
county, and may,

Section 653 - Page 2

in its corporate capacity, suel or be sued, contract or be contracted
with, and, in general, is vested with all the powers, and charged with
all the duties, obligations and responsi ilities imposed upon such board
as such by law. The memebrs of the county school board shall be appointed
wi thin sixty days prior to July first, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight,
and within sixty days prior to July first every four years thereafter.
They shall take office on July first following their appointment, and shall
hold office for a term of four years, and thereafter until their successors
have been appointed and have qualified. Any vacancy in the county school
board shall be filled by appointment by the trustee electoral board. The
present trustee electoral boards and county school boards now in office,
shall continue to hold office until their sucessors have been appointed
and qualified. All of such school trustees shall qualifiy before the
county clerk, by taking the oath prescribed for State officers. The
county school board may in its discretion provide for a per diem not
exceeding five dollars per day and mileage not to exceed five cents
per mile for each mile of thavel on each
of such attendance by most direct route in going to and returning from
the place of meeting for each member for each day he is in attendance
upon meetings of the board, not to exceed thirtydays in any one year,
such per diem to be paid as other school expenses are paid. Provided
that in counties, adjacent to cities having, according to thelast
United States census, a population of one hundred thousand or more,
and in counties having a density of population of more than five hundred
per square mile the county school board may pay each of its members an
annual salary of three hundred dollars, payable in equal monthly installments.
For the purpose of representation each magisterial district shall,
except where otherwise provided by law, constitute a separate school


Section 653 - Page 3
district, but for all other school purposes, taxation, management, control,
and operation, the county school be the unit, and the school affairs
of such county managed as if the county constituted but one school
district, provided, however, nothing in this section shall be construed
to prohibit the levying of a district tax to provide interest and sinking fund for a district bond issue as provided in section six hundred
and seventy-three, or for the levying of a district tax on recommendation of the county school board to pay existing district indebtedness.
all special school districts and special town school districts except
the sepcial school district for the Town of Leesburg, of Loudoun
County and of Lexingtonof Rockbridge county and the town of Bedford
of Bedford county which are hereby preserved, are hereby expressly
abolished, except special town school districts which are located in
more than one county, which last mentioned districts are hereby expressly retained as they exist at the present time; provided however,
that the Town of Herndon, of Fairfax county, and the town of Colonial
Beach, of Westmoreland county, and incorporated towns having a population of not less than one thousand inhabitants, according to the last
United States census, may, by ordinance of the town council and by and
with the approval of the State Board of Education, be constituted
separate school districts either for the purpose of representation on
the county school board, or for the purpose of being operated as
separate school districtx under a town school board of three members,
appointed by the town council. In the event that such a town district
be set up, to be operated by a board of three members, the mebers of
such board shall be appointed in accordance with section seven hundred
and eighty of the Code, providing for the appointment of trustees in
cities and of such members, one shall be designated by the town school
board as a member of the county school board and entitled to serve as
a member of said county board.



Section 653. School Trustee Electoral Boards; county school
boards; special school districts; school levies In each county there shall be a board, to be known as the school
trustee electoral board, which shall be composed of three resident
qualified voters, who are not county or State officers, to be appointed by the circuit court of each county, or the judge thereof in vacation,
within thirty days after the first day of July, nineteen hundred and
thirty, and every I our years thereafter. The said members of the trustee
electoral board shall each receive a per diem of two dollars for each
day actually employed, to be paid out of the county school fund. Any
vacancy occurring within the term of the said appointees shall be filled
by the circuit court, or by the judge thereof in vacation, within thirby
days thereafter. The county school board shall consist of one member
appointed from each school district in the county by the school trustee
electoral board, provided in touns constituting separate school districts
and operated by a school board of three members, one of said members
shall be designated by the town board a S a member of the county school
board. The members of the county school board from the several districts
shall have no organization and duties except as may be assigned to them
by the school board as a whole. Before any appointment is made by the
electoral board it shall give notice, by publication for two successive
weeks, in a newspaper having general circulation in such county of time
and place of any meeting for the purpose of appointing the mebers of the
county school board.
The members so appointed shall constitute the county school board,
and every such board is hereby declared a body corporate, under the
syle of the county school board of
county, and may,

Section 653 - Page 2

in its corporate capacity, suel or be sued, contract or be contracted
with, and, in general, is vested with all the powers, and charged with
all the duties, obligations and responsi ilities imposed upon such board
as such by law. The memebrs of the county school board shall be appointed
wi thin sixty days prior to July first, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight,
and within sixty days prior to July first every four years thereafter.
They shall take office on July first following their appointment, and shall
hold office for a term of four years, and thereafter until their successors
have been appointed and have qualified. Any vacancy in the county school
board shall be filled by appointment by the trustee electoral board. The
present trustee electoral boards and county school boards now in office,
shall continue to hold office until their sucessors have been appointed
and qualified. All of such school trustees shall qualifiy before the
county clerk, by taking the oath prescribed for State officers. The
county school board may in its discretion provide for a per diem not
exceeding five dollars per day and mileage not to exceed five cents
per mile for each mile of thavel on each
of such attendance by most direct route in going to and returning from
the place of meeting for each member for each day he is in attendance
upon meetings of the board, not to exceed thirtydays in any one year,
such per diem to be paid as other school expenses are paid. Provided
that in counties, adjacent to cities having, according to thelast
United States census, a population of one hundred thousand or more,
and in counties having a density of population of more than five hundred
per square mile the county school board may pay each of its members an
annual salary of three hundred dollars, payable in equal monthly installments.
For the purpose of representation each magisterial district shall,
except where otherwise provided by law, constitute a separate school


Section 653 - Page 3
district, but for all other school purposes, taxation, management, control,
and operation, the county school be the unit, and the school affairs
of such county managed as if the county constituted but one school
district, provided, however, nothing in this section shall be construed
to prohibit the levying of a district tax to provide interest and sinking fund for a district bond issue as provided in section six hundred
and seventy-three, or for the levying of a district tax on recommendation of the county school board to pay existing district indebtedness.
all special school districts and special town school districts except
the sepcial school district for the Town of Leesburg, of Loudoun
County and of Lexingtonof Rockbridge county and the town of Bedford
of Bedford county which are hereby preserved, are hereby expressly
abolished, except special town school districts which are located in
more than one county, which last mentioned districts are hereby expressly retained as they exist at the present time; provided however,
that the Town of Herndon, of Fairfax county, and the town of Colonial
Beach, of Westmoreland county, and incorporated towns having a population of not less than one thousand inhabitants, according to the last
United States census, may, by ordinance of the town council and by and
with the approval of the State Board of Education, be constituted
separate school districts either for the purpose of representation on
the county school board, or for the purpose of being operated as
separate school districtx under a town school board of three members,
appointed by the town council. In the event that such a town district
be set up, to be operated by a board of three members, the mebers of
such board shall be appointed in accordance with section seven hundred
and eighty of the Code, providing for the appointment of trustees in
cities and of such members, one shall be designated by the town school
board as a member of the county school board and entitled to serve as
a member of said county board.



Section 653. School Trustee Electoral Boards; county school
boards; special school districts; school levies In each county there shall be a board, to be known as the school
trustee electoral board, which shall be composed of three resident
qualified voters, who are not county or State officers, to be appointed by the circuit court of each county, or the judge thereof in vacation,
within thirty days after the first day of July, nineteen hundred and
thirty, and every I our years thereafter. The said members of the trustee
electoral board shall each receive a per diem of two dollars for each
day actually employed, to be paid out of the county school fund. Any
vacancy occurring within the term of the said appointees shall be filled
by the circuit court, or by the judge thereof in vacation, within thirby
days thereafter. The county school board shall consist of one member
appointed from each school district in the county by the school trustee
electoral board, provided in touns constituting separate school districts
and operated by a school board of three members, one of said members
shall be designated by the town board a S a member of the county school
board. The members of the county school board from the several districts
shall have no organization and duties except as may be assigned to them
by the school board as a whole. Before any appointment is made by the
electoral board it shall give notice, by publication for two successive
weeks, in a newspaper having general circulation in such county of time
and place of any meeting for the purpose of appointing the mebers of the
county school board.
The members so appointed shall constitute the county school board,
and every such board is hereby declared a body corporate, under the
syle of the county school board of
county, and may,

Section 653 - Page 2

in its corporate capacity, suel or be sued, contract or be contracted
with, and, in general, is vested with all the powers, and charged with
all the duties, obligations and responsi ilities imposed upon such board
as such by law. The memebrs of the county school board shall be appointed
wi thin sixty days prior to July first, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight,
and within sixty days prior to July first every four years thereafter.
They shall take office on July first following their appointment, and shall
hold office for a term of four years, and thereafter until their successors
have been appointed and have qualified. Any vacancy in the county school
board shall be filled by appointment by the trustee electoral board. The
present trustee electoral boards and county school boards now in office,
shall continue to hold office until their sucessors have been appointed
and qualified. All of such school trustees shall qualifiy before the
county clerk, by taking the oath prescribed for State officers. The
county school board may in its discretion provide for a per diem not
exceeding five dollars per day and mileage not to exceed five cents
per mile for each mile of thavel on each
of such attendance by most direct route in going to and returning from
the place of meeting for each member for each day he is in attendance
upon meetings of the board, not to exceed thirtydays in any one year,
such per diem to be paid as other school expenses are paid. Provided
that in counties, adjacent to cities having, according to thelast
United States census, a population of one hundred thousand or more,
and in counties having a density of population of more than five hundred
per square mile the county school board may pay each of its members an
annual salary of three hundred dollars, payable in equal monthly installments.
For the purpose of representation each magisterial district shall,
except where otherwise provided by law, constitute a separate school


Section 653 - Page 3
district, but for all other school purposes, taxation, management, control,
and operation, the county school be the unit, and the school affairs
of such county managed as if the county constituted but one school
district, provided, however, nothing in this section shall be construed
to prohibit the levying of a district tax to provide interest and sinking fund for a district bond issue as provided in section six hundred
and seventy-three, or for the levying of a district tax on recommendation of the county school board to pay existing district indebtedness.
all special school districts and special town school districts except
the sepcial school district for the Town of Leesburg, of Loudoun
County and of Lexingtonof Rockbridge county and the town of Bedford
of Bedford county which are hereby preserved, are hereby expressly
abolished, except special town school districts which are located in
more than one county, which last mentioned districts are hereby expressly retained as they exist at the present time; provided however,
that the Town of Herndon, of Fairfax county, and the town of Colonial
Beach, of Westmoreland county, and incorporated towns having a population of not less than one thousand inhabitants, according to the last
United States census, may, by ordinance of the town council and by and
with the approval of the State Board of Education, be constituted
separate school districts either for the purpose of representation on
the county school board, or for the purpose of being operated as
separate school districtx under a town school board of three members,
appointed by the town council. In the event that such a town district
be set up, to be operated by a board of three members, the mebers of
such board shall be appointed in accordance with section seven hundred
and eighty of the Code, providing for the appointment of trustees in
cities and of such members, one shall be designated by the town school
board as a member of the county school board and entitled to serve as
a member of said county board.



Section 653. School Trustee Electoral Boards; county school
boards; special school districts; school levies In each county there shall be a board, to be known as the school
trustee electoral board, which shall be composed of three resident
qualified voters, who are not county or State officers, to be appointed by the circuit court of each county, or the judge thereof in vacation,
within thirty days after the first day of July, nineteen hundred and
thirty, and every I our years thereafter. The said members of the trustee
electoral board shall each receive a per diem of two dollars for each
day actually employed, to be paid out of the county school fund. Any
vacancy occurring within the term of the said appointees shall be filled
by the circuit court, or by the judge thereof in vacation, within thirby
days thereafter. The county school board shall consist of one member
appointed from each school district in the county by the school trustee
electoral board, provided in touns constituting separate school districts
and operated by a school board of three members, one of said members
shall be designated by the town board a S a member of the county school
board. The members of the county school board from the several districts
shall have no organization and duties except as may be assigned to them
by the school board as a whole. Before any appointment is made by the
electoral board it shall give notice, by publication for two successive
weeks, in a newspaper having general circulation in such county of time
and place of any meeting for the purpose of appointing the mebers of the
county school board.
The members so appointed shall constitute the county school board,
and every such board is hereby declared a body corporate, under the
syle of the county school board of
county, and may,

Section 653 - Page 2

in its corporate capacity, suel or be sued, contract or be contracted
with, and, in general, is vested with all the powers, and charged with
all the duties, obligations and responsi ilities imposed upon such board
as such by law. The memebrs of the county school board shall be appointed
wi thin sixty days prior to July first, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight,
and within sixty days prior to July first every four years thereafter.
They shall take office on July first following their appointment, and shall
hold office for a term of four years, and thereafter until their successors
have been appointed and have qualified. Any vacancy in the county school
board shall be filled by appointment by the trustee electoral board. The
present trustee electoral boards and county school boards now in office,
shall continue to hold office until their sucessors have been appointed
and qualified. All of such school trustees shall qualifiy before the
county clerk, by taking the oath prescribed for State officers. The
county school board may in its discretion provide for a per diem not
exceeding five dollars per day and mileage not to exceed five cents
per mile for each mile of thavel on each
of such attendance by most direct route in going to and returning from
the place of meeting for each member for each day he is in attendance
upon meetings of the board, not to exceed thirtydays in any one year,
such per diem to be paid as other school expenses are paid. Provided
that in counties, adjacent to cities having, according to thelast
United States census, a population of one hundred thousand or more,
and in counties having a density of population of more than five hundred
per square mile the county school board may pay each of its members an
annual salary of three hundred dollars, payable in equal monthly installments.
For the purpose of representation each magisterial district shall,
except where otherwise provided by law, constitute a separate school


Section 653 - Page 3
district, but for all other school purposes, taxation, management, control,
and operation, the county school be the unit, and the school affairs
of such county managed as if the county constituted but one school
district, provided, however, nothing in this section shall be construed
to prohibit the levying of a district tax to provide interest and sinking fund for a district bond issue as provided in section six hundred
and seventy-three, or for the levying of a district tax on recommendation of the county school board to pay existing district indebtedness.
all special school districts and special town school districts except
the sepcial school district for the Town of Leesburg, of Loudoun
County and of Lexingtonof Rockbridge county and the town of Bedford
of Bedford county which are hereby preserved, are hereby expressly
abolished, except special town school districts which are located in
more than one county, which last mentioned districts are hereby expressly retained as they exist at the present time; provided however,
that the Town of Herndon, of Fairfax county, and the town of Colonial
Beach, of Westmoreland county, and incorporated towns having a population of not less than one thousand inhabitants, according to the last
United States census, may, by ordinance of the town council and by and
with the approval of the State Board of Education, be constituted
separate school districts either for the purpose of representation on
the county school board, or for the purpose of being operated as
separate school districtx under a town school board of three members,
appointed by the town council. In the event that such a town district
be set up, to be operated by a board of three members, the mebers of
such board shall be appointed in accordance with section seven hundred
and eighty of the Code, providing for the appointment of trustees in
cities and of such members, one shall be designated by the town school
board as a member of the county school board and entitled to serve as
a member of said county board.



Section 653. School Trustee Electoral Boards; county school
boards; special school districts; school levies In each county there shall be a board, to be known as the school
trustee electoral board, which shall be composed of three resident
qualified voters, who are not county or State officers, to be appointed by the circuit court of each county, or the judge thereof in vacation,
within thirty days after the first day of July, nineteen hundred and
thirty, and every I our years thereafter. The said members of the trustee
electoral board shall each receive a per diem of two dollars for each
day actually employed, to be paid out of the county school fund. Any
vacancy occurring within the term of the said appointees shall be filled
by the circuit court, or by the judge thereof in vacation, within thirby
days thereafter. The county school board shall consist of one member
appointed from each school district in the county by the school trustee
electoral board, provided in touns constituting separate school districts
and operated by a school board of three members, one of said members
shall be designated by the town board a S a member of the county school
board. The members of the county school board from the several districts
shall have no organization and duties except as may be assigned to them
by the school board as a whole. Before any appointment is made by the
electoral board it shall give notice, by publication for two successive
weeks, in a newspaper having general circulation in such county of time
and place of any meeting for the purpose of appointing the mebers of the
county school board.
The members so appointed shall constitute the county school board,
and every such board is hereby declared a body corporate, under the
syle of the county school board of
county, and may,

Section 653 - Page 2

in its corporate capacity, suel or be sued, contract or be contracted
with, and, in general, is vested with all the powers, and charged with
all the duties, obligations and responsi ilities imposed upon such board
as such by law. The memebrs of the county school board shall be appointed
wi thin sixty days prior to July first, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight,
and within sixty days prior to July first every four years thereafter.
They shall take office on July first following their appointment, and shall
hold office for a term of four years, and thereafter until their successors
have been appointed and have qualified. Any vacancy in the county school
board shall be filled by appointment by the trustee electoral board. The
present trustee electoral boards and county school boards now in office,
shall continue to hold office until their sucessors have been appointed
and qualified. All of such school trustees shall qualifiy before the
county clerk, by taking the oath prescribed for State officers. The
county school board may in its discretion provide for a per diem not
exceeding five dollars per day and mileage not to exceed five cents
per mile for each mile of thavel on each
of such attendance by most direct route in going to and returning from
the place of meeting for each member for each day he is in attendance
upon meetings of the board, not to exceed thirtydays in any one year,
such per diem to be paid as other school expenses are paid. Provided
that in counties, adjacent to cities having, according to thelast
United States census, a population of one hundred thousand or more,
and in counties having a density of population of more than five hundred
per square mile the county school board may pay each of its members an
annual salary of three hundred dollars, payable in equal monthly installments.
For the purpose of representation each magisterial district shall,
except where otherwise provided by law, constitute a separate school


Section 653 - Page 3
district, but for all other school purposes, taxation, management, control,
and operation, the county school be the unit, and the school affairs
of such county managed as if the county constituted but one school
district, provided, however, nothing in this section shall be construed
to prohibit the levying of a district tax to provide interest and sinking fund for a district bond issue as provided in section six hundred
and seventy-three, or for the levying of a district tax on recommendation of the county school board to pay existing district indebtedness.
all special school districts and special town school districts except
the sepcial school district for the Town of Leesburg, of Loudoun
County and of Lexingtonof Rockbridge county and the town of Bedford
of Bedford county which are hereby preserved, are hereby expressly
abolished, except special town school districts which are located in
more than one county, which last mentioned districts are hereby expressly retained as they exist at the present time; provided however,
that the Town of Herndon, of Fairfax county, and the town of Colonial
Beach, of Westmoreland county, and incorporated towns having a population of not less than one thousand inhabitants, according to the last
United States census, may, by ordinance of the town council and by and
with the approval of the State Board of Education, be constituted
separate school districts either for the purpose of representation on
the county school board, or for the purpose of being operated as
separate school districtx under a town school board of three members,
appointed by the town council. In the event that such a town district
be set up, to be operated by a board of three members, the mebers of
such board shall be appointed in accordance with section seven hundred
and eighty of the Code, providing for the appointment of trustees in
cities and of such members, one shall be designated by the town school
board as a member of the county school board and entitled to serve as
a member of said county board.

