adnesday, May sew nd was a gels day for the pupils
in the one and two-room schools of Broad Run District. This
day marked the culmination of the health and physical education
activities of these schools for the your when the children,
teachers, parents and friends met at Mt. Hope school.
the childron.participated in a track and field meet ***********
interspersed with other features.
The program for the day and the preliminary work by
the schools had been carefully planned by the tenchers under
the capable leadership and direction of Miss Hanneh Turmon,
The athletic events were in
supervisor of rural schools.
conformity with the rules furnished by the Extension Division
of the University of Virginia.
In the at letic contests the pupile competed against
a standard rather than against each other.
A list of the events and the pupils who attained the
standards follows:
Girls Events
50-yare dash (Standard 7 3/5 seconds)
Hozel Boland
Grace Jones
Wande Wickline
Milburn Carson
Isety Moroum
Mazie Moroum
Helen Hodge
Catherine Groome
Minnie Goode
Vills Walker
Virginia Prints
Elisabeth Allison
Hazel Powell
Annabelle Allison
Eve Gheen
Mary Alice Turman
Running High Jump (Standard 3 ft. 5 in.)
Helen Hodge
Baseball Accuracy Throw (3 hite in 7 throws target 17x36 Inches
at distance of 40 feet)
Virginia Prints
Bernice Shear
Elsic Cockerille
Eva Gheen
Dorothy Reynolds
Mary Alice Turman
Bernice Shear
Eve Sheen
Wanda Wickline
Margaret Atwell
Catherine Groome
Elsie Cockerille
Helen Hodge
Vivian Downes
Catherine Donohoe
Been Bag Toss
Grace Jones
Louise Jones
Hazel Poland
Milburn Carson
Louise Sowers
Virginia Prints
Basket-ball Throw
Hazel Poland
Evelyn Smith
Helen Hodge
(Standard 48 feet)
Elsie Coekerille
Mary Alice Turmon
Maxie Marcum
Fonda Wickline
Minnie Goode
Balancing on Beam (Walk 48 feet on 2 inch beam with book on head)
Catherine Donohoe Beanice Shear
Chinning the Bar (Standard 5 times)
Helen Hodge
Running High Junn
Oswold Downs
Woodrow Fox
Running Broad Jump (
Osweld Downe
Alvin Fox
Frincie Downs
( 3 feet 10 in)
Albert Benson
Harold Stickman
Gilmore Poland
James Munday
12 feet 8 in)
Albert Benson
Harold Stickman
Francis Dave
James Munday
Baseball Accuracy Throw ( 4 hite in 7 throws target 17 X 36 inches
at distance of 50 feet)
Russell Poland
Ceall Minor
Harold Stickman
-3Baseball Distance Throw ( a 200 feet)
Albert Benson
Jemes Munday
Chinning the Bar (12 times)
Uswald Downs
Ray Reynolds
Medals were awarded on the following basis Three standards - bronze medald; five standards - silver medale;
seven standards - gold medala.
These medele were contributed
by the Richmond=Times Dispatch.
The following received medals.
Bronze Eva Gheen,
Wanda Wickline
Mary Alice Turmon
Albert Benson
Bernice Shear
Helen Hodge
Virginia Printz
Herold Sticknen
Hazel Poland
Elsle Cockerille
Onwald Downs,
James Munday
Hasel Polend
Oawald Dovns
Silver Helen Hodge
HoldHelen Hodge
A special feature of the day was n Health Play presented by the pupila of Carter's School.
Each school represented joined in a parade and health
flost contest which proved oreof the most interesting events of
the day's festivities. The floats were mounted on express
wagons and were pulled by the children.
in health.
Each taught a lesson
The judges awarded first honors to Arcola school
which receives a prise donated by Miss Anne Gulley.
Miss Rose Dolan presented five point certificates to
103 children.
The Virginia glag was presented to Carter's school for
the highest percentage of five-point children In the one and ■0■
Boom schools of Broad Run District.
The Sycoline school of Leesburg District likewise won
a Virginia Flag for highest percentage of five-point children in
that district.