file and citizens
We, the patrons of the Purcellville Colored School petition
the School Board of Laudoun County to fill the vacancy
caused by the transfer of mis Rosalie mc Washington
We feel that an injustice has been done to and children
by placing them all together and we desire a full time teacher.
This us Mrs. me Washington as another full time teacher.
Mr. and Mrs O.E. Case
Mr. and Mrs. Q.G Uturn
Nester b. Hall
mr and Mrs. foffurs.
miss anna Bell Rowe
a. Brown
Mard Mrs. y namelle
B. Stewart
Inrs. Josephine Smith
Mr. and Mrs Realist Creation his mis fathe Thelma Simms. moore
is rimes
Donglas Me. Allsn.
mim ary C Luc as
mrs Louise Lucas.
mr Pearl nelson
Ella m Dade
E award, Sade
L. m e Washington
mrs Greatehen Trammell.
mr Emery Trammell,
Mrs melissa Johnson
Mr William johnan
mas Bertha m.
mv mrs Lealie minnie Cooke, Rector
Thomas Brooks
Mr W Oot
Hrs Mary Tot
Char P. blak.
Mrs Clara clask