ircui doun County, Virginia, entered
ander, Judge of the Circuit Court for Lo ounty, Virginia,
in vacationgat Leesburg, Virginia, on th‘fissiISt day of November, 1929, the
undersigned who was appointed Comn” to}:xer of Sale, will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder, in front ‘(’) : e CO}lrt House, at Leesburg,
Virginia, on Saturday, February 1, 193% at 12 O’Clock Noon, the follow-
ing described parcel of school propertys W¢h is no longer used for school
purposes. §
All that certain lot or pal'cel of lan
acres, one rood and gleven poles Of land
uated at Bloomfield; ik Loudoun County s L
same land conveyed by Ada C. wfllia » Virginia, being t.e
han’xs, by deed dated June 15, 19, ms and Vll‘g’ll. G. Wll.
9 P’s, Folio 35, in the Clerk’s Officg’ and recorded in Liber
This property is improved by a Ong s:’ofrl;‘;;‘i‘:l‘é“h%fi‘s’:?f X:‘é
d, containing two
, more or less, sit-
rooms and hall, and there is a goggiweil of wwater on the lot