EWP FireSuppressant2
Virginia, US
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Deeds Schools and Construction
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/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/9 Deeds Schools and Construction/9-5 Repair Equipment and Furniture/9-3 Fire Equipment/EWP_FireSuppressant2.jpg
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Loudoun County Public Schools
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/9 Deeds Schools and Construction/9-5 Repair Equipment and Furniture/9-3 Fire Equipment/EWP_FireSuppressant2.jpg
extracted text
N Price List Red Comet “Fast Action” Line Automatics, Grenades, Cases, etc.
Prepaid Parcel Post, Express, or Frelght—whichever Is
Kind, Color and Type lowest, accordinyz to weights of shipments. Telegraph Code
STANDARD SIZE AUTOMATIC—Complete 100 Upwards Words for use in
Each ordering by wire.
h durd Size . hod g it
o o e vy i, of Red Red or Clear, Wall Type 4.50 Abate
Comet F1 i cke! d Screws. (Frosted are 10c cach, extra)
Chambl = SUSLIRSG Ret o G, Celng T resiy fo immesine i
dboats, yachts, motor boats, etc., are r Clear, Ceilin e A .95 ery. thousands o e Re .5
furn }.'.‘,fl at 16c each extra). Rendy for in- ‘e(n&m! S lh g VDC s ! 409Dt e K . 4.50 Accept
SENIOR si/FT{[*'i‘OMATIC—Cohmpllone omies, Safety Sprays. etc., 4
[& lete th S Size Grenade, olding two . T -
CHTEERER Senibet aldinsitye Red or Clear, Wall T‘ype cisessiimsomimsssimnseeiiins (oD i il Ahe_order fo be placed | 6.80 Baboo e
Comet Fluid, Automatic Briacket and screws, (Frosted are 10c each, extra) r:ns mdo the hund;eds or £
dy f (Auto or Marine Bunds s thousands, it may be nec-
el i -, to hold in the Gre Red, Frosted, or Clear, Ceiling Type... iy or e Cactoeer i 680 Badge ORDERS
are 25¢ each extra.) (Frosted are )Lv:in:h: extra) have a high Priority Rating. SSEE
STANDARD SIZE AUTOMATIC BRACKETS (Wall or Ceilini Type) o 2SR of) UiRersiurerionp Al lrganar il nh 00 iAo T AND
SENIOR SIZE AUTOM!\T!(; B_RA(‘KE'IEAO?NLY _(Wall or Ceiling Type)..oow e __Red Comet Dealer. mus! ai Bucdo Méfig&l)(;N
o N led with 1 Ib.. 7 (Frosted 10c cach, ext, 5 z A _ WANTED
SHAND L P SIZE GRENADES Tt i) cope5ios Red or (Clear (i "l be oo 55 ..Comet. Inc. at Litleton | 230 Cable oN
& H 3 £oe) 2l
3 Filled with 2 Ibs.. 6 oz, by Red, or Clear i R A T 10 % = GRENADES
SENIOR H]ZE GRENADES Wt of pure Red Comet Fluid (iilied, read to use) (Frosted ars 10e anch, 3:90..c.d)e Lor.mahonv s to... dah:ar}f.. STo Caddy
F( ONOM\ BR ACKE {r“(rxr holding Sta dard Size or Senior § irenades on wall, 45 . i 40
COMPLETE STA DAI RD /P, FCONOMY 7n..,(..| ..serve. .the..right ..to..reject.—|.. 2.70
NO Fimmmens 6 aEglwaaiRg
i hed to Auto, Truck or B ing T TRed.or €1 5 L
I t to Aut 5 Steel r Posts
VERSALb ll"‘r«:;u:l(grcu ;.'ié’:u:"éfmh',"..“"., W E el R 3.90
cte with Stundard curely to steerini post of any car, or.can be mounted L“,““" dash_or on sides r nual_use only.
“SILVER SPRAY” AUTOMATIC, St Size. = (Frosted otttk IR N Y i 545 T .""‘;‘l"‘?«‘, » 5.00 S5t
“SILVER SPRAY” AUTOMATIC, §ars siin tyve ‘lf:‘i‘u*if.;’:’h‘"‘iil;., e BI20LTTT HenCion:eolor anivd. 750 Silsen Jm\\‘(“.i‘.m-
“SAFETY SPRAY” AUTOMATIC, Standard Size, Wall or Ceiling Type. . cogaipnes 10500 st o e e 05 A1) Safety ] TN WIRES
“SAFETY SPRAY” AUTO]\‘IATIC»ES_I]_I?I_‘VSVIE Wall or Ceiling Typed;vi: 8.60. S e .. 7.90 Safeseny @ MBNILON
“RED_HEAD” “SAFETY SPRAY” AUTOMATIC, Standatd Sizé Wall Type Only 7.00Not Available. — 6.00 Redstan CEILING
— “RED-HEAD” “SAFETY SPRAY” AUTOMATIC, Senior Size. Wall Type Only O ONAb AV,
‘RED-HEAD*“SAFEFY-SPRAY AUTOMATIC;Senior-Size;irir Tsmeoniyy.—H:85Not Available
— “RED-HEADZ “SAFETY-SPRAY” AUTOMATIC, SeniorSize With Tuin 18inch Tu T"fl—‘""“ ——13.50Not Available
SR EDHEA DL S AR FINGS PRIV MITRTNG o shsaiaria aotsmshiintsnetan o aatliiesiot ok besoies NG b A A N o
«3 POWER” EMERGENCY\CASE ' Sigoaia Tie, d Sanared Sae Cronador n hasey fhrehonsd cate ~ 8,00, Eagle
Complete with 3 A ic Wall Brackets and 3 Standard S 2
“3 POWER” AUTQMATIC CASE | (X Tasvy Rhehosrd cass; with atiraciiys 2eh fniohs Automatie motionts (15120 Easter
FIREMASTER KIT Complete Corrugated Carrying Case, with Six Standard Size Grenades .. 19.30 Gem
Padded, black, leatheroid carrying case with shoulder st
FAST-WORK FIREMEN’S KIT Standard Size Grenades. For manual use only.. 17950
by weizht, of Red Comet Fluid,
For_quic v ul
—FEASHOT PG tate with Brackel for Stecring Post, and Screws for Wall. ... 175 NOt A @
RIPLETHREAT, e b in-melai—vobholdn i srovs—— ————550-Not Available —
EMPTY 3 POWER” CAQF 20 P;ar:::t‘y F!,‘:quxflf ll:‘(il:vmen's Kit, 5 33'22 Empty “Super-Si
ENPTY 3 POV i iy
This P Li d he U.S.
RED COMET, INCORPORATED (ion.r i tamivortation pragaia snssnese in s.A" Sute aeivers searices; FIRE CONTROL HEADQUARTERS
Prices and Deliveries, as well as the use of any certain metals or materials in all Red
Red Comet Bldg., Littleton, Colo., U.S.A. Comet Products, are subject, of course, to any chanyes o conditions created by (In the Greater Denver Manufacturing Avea)
he War.
1-21-43 —F26 26
Emergency Kit, ... $4.25