/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/9 Deeds Schools and Construction/9-3 Construction Sales and Strategy/EWP_9-3_Yr-_1955_Segregation_Construction.tif
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Loudoun County Public Schools
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/9 Deeds Schools and Construction/9-3 Construction Sales and Strategy/EWP_9-3_Yr-_1955_Segregation_Construction.tif
extracted text
S e i e e~ e e e et e e
= Some consideration should be given to crowding at Hillsboro and
to space for Negro children along the Fairfax boundary linej)and that
. there'seems to be no other means of financing the buildings “except
- through a voted Borid Issue and that the estimated cost of the proposed
‘ buildings and additions including equipment is $700,000.00, However,
-~ the two boards feel that no steps should be taken in reference to
. construction of the proposed buildings and additions until and unless
' - reasonable assurance shall havé: been’given by the parents of colored
T’f children of the county that they will conform to our considerate
m}~ opinion that their education can be promoted better by their continued
school attendance on a segregafed:.basis, N é},ififléwky
sthe.ef, Flow ~ K. Warede, F. yrieessy &&w«» , .
. ]‘T. C;?d @,v&&kayfie .