I have your letter of the 9th of lay
1n reference to the sanitation of the toilets
at the Douglass “£lementary Schools
Our school board has appointed a committee
with instructions to make definite recommendations
in reference to this improvement. I think that
you ean be assured that the condition will be
remedied before schools open next fall.
The problem is a rather difficult one for
the reason that our program of school construction ,
provides for a new school bullding on & new site 28 P
° to accommodate these children and those at the :
Waterford, Ashburn and it. Gap Schools.
Of course, if you institute sult in Federal
Court the school board will be inclined to use
funds that might be made available to make the
improveménts to defend itself in the courts, and
“while it might not change the outcome, 1t would
of course cause a delay.
This matter will be presented to our school
board at its next meeting on June 12. ;
T would suggest before you file sulb that
you come up here and talk to the school board
about this matter, as it is their purpose and
intention to improve the situation at this schoole