' —_—_——-—___—— 1
Lucas D. Phillips of Leesburg
~will join other State delegates 1N
Richmond next Wednesday at 2§
~ special cession of the Virginia
‘General Assembly. ' ’
Gov. Thomas. Stanley has call- l o 4 b
ed the special session November eet and nal
30 as a first step to, bar com-
~ pulsory integration of the State’s
public schools. j ; 9 4
ke Bl which the senators ° g
and delegates will be asked to
consider is being written by the
State Commission on public Edu- klv at Purce!
cation. It would provide for an ferald, Inc.,
amendment 10 Section 141 T
the State constitution to Pper-
mit public funds to be used 1O rgian, contri
subsidize children i privale e
schools and SO circumvent the ™ to 5 P
- Supreme Court decision of May °* Purcellvill
= 1 1954, banning segregation by - $4.00 tw
~ race in the country’s schools. mber'"'l""'“'. 5
+. - "\Whether Or not he'll vote fOf j Conetes
Lo e bill, Phillips said, depends e
on what form it finally takes. jtak, humaad
: : - = . = 1al rights
| But, he said, he is in favor sger stand
~ of what the Governor’s Gray . =
- Commission has been trying tO
~ do—prevent forced integration
~ in the public school. '
General Assembly plans call
~for the introduction & Ohly one
bill—the one drafted DY the
- Gray Commission. This would
provide for the holding of 2
Statewide referendum On ‘whether
there should be 2 constitutional
_ convention ~limited 1O the tui-
tion grants question. Such a ref-
~ erendum would be held within
- 60 days on 2 date to be fixed
by the Governor.
et Vhether..it- lasts-two--days—Or
- 30, the special session probably
will cost the taxpayers close to
$100,000. Members are entitled
to a minimum of 30 days’ pay
at -$18 per day, oI $540. Other
expenses for travel costs, print-
ing, clerks, pages and similar
personnel will run up the total.
e e
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