EWP LovettsvilleColored0456


EWP LovettsvilleColored0456
Is Version Of
Jpeg Image
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/Access Files/Upload temp/1041957_EWP_LovettsvilleColored0456.jpg
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/To be Cataloged/Lovettsville Book Scanning Project/Colored No. A 1892_1898/LovettsvilleColored0456.jpg
extracted text

THis REGISTER is the property of the District School Board, and must be returned by the
teacher to the district clerk at the close of the term. At the beginning of each term the district
clerk should enter, in the form below, the date of his delivery of the Register to the teacher,
and. likewise, at the end of each term, the date of the return of the Register by the teacher,
stating in each case whether the Register is in good or bad order. On delivery of the Register
le it with his official papers.

cher’s receipt for the same and fi

: [FIRST TERM.] = 2
Register delivered in ’_.9/‘/'// order-to / /7/\/ /q// ))l/,/é’;‘ , Teacher of School
No.. & /Q? . /Cyz.flfl e ‘IN;’LL — o

' fll@éfl District Clerk.

. Teacher of School

Register returned in order by
No. 2 189
, District Clerk.

Register delivered in order to Teacher of School
No. = 139

District Clerk.
Register returned in order by , Teacher of School
No. y 189

, District Clerk.


}\'c;f%m‘ delivered in order to ,Teacher of School
No. : To0E, .

, District Clerk.
Register returned in order by , Teacher of School

No. z 189
, District Clerk.

Register delivered in order to , Teacher of School
N o. g 189

, District Clerk.
Register returned in order by , Teacher of School
No. ; 189

R = g % , District Clerk.

TEXT-BOOKS adopted for use in the County for four years, from August 1, 189 , to August 1, 189 :

Spellers. E Copy-Books.
Readers. History of Va.
Arithmetics. History of U, S
Geographies. - Dictionaries.


[~ The District Clerk will fill the blanks in the above before delivering the Register to the teacher.]

L dattta s e o



I'uis Reciste as y
5 REGISTER has been prepared with special reference to use in t

¢ public schools

of Virginia, aund has be « t nior S S rac € t Teports
8 4, anda has been made ' 4 ar z i 1 t
wde to conform, ¢ far a pra ticable, to the reports which the

teachers are required to make to the school officers.

From the Daily ¢ Ter if
¢ Daily and Term Records, if they have been properly kept, teachers can r

make up their Monthly and Term Reports to County Superintendents,

ATt e . ;
he headings of the columns for marking attendance have reference to the d

month, and not the calendar month. The small blank squares at the head of these are intended

for the initial letters of the days of the week

Nedchiare Ale Al s e by
chers are advised to keep the Daily Records on a separate sheet of paper, and to transfer

> 5 d acrt age. o s g 2 T
them to the Register at the close of -each day, and especially should this be done during the f
week or two of the session.

Jefore making any entries in the Register read carefully the directions given below.


1. Fill up the Heading Carefully.—The blank before Seckool, both in the heading and
in the label on the back of the Register, should be filled with a word indicating the color of
your school—white or colored.

2. How to Enter Names of Pupils.—Enter names of pupils in alphabetical order,
writing surnames first, and giving Christian names in full. Enter the names of the boys first,
and leave at least one blank line between the sexes.

3. Age of Pupils.—Enter in the proper column, opposite the name of each pupil, the
age completed on last birth-day.

4. How to Indicate Attendance.—To show thata pupil is present put the figure one

(1) in the blank space opposite the name. The space left blank will indicate absence. The

sum of these figures, opposite any name for a month, will show the total number of days the

pupil was present during the month.

5. How to Find Average Daily Attendance.—To find average daily attendance of the

boys, divide the number of days all the boys were present at school by the number of days the

school was taught. Find average daily attendance of the girls in the same way.