EWP LovettsvilleColored0457


EWP LovettsvilleColored0457
Is Version Of
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/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/Access Files/Upload temp/1041958_EWP_LovettsvilleColored0457.jpg
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/To be Cataloged/Lovettsville Book Scanning Project/Colored No. A 1892_1898/LovettsvilleColored0457.jpg
extracted text

6. How to Find Percentage of Attendance.—To find percentage of attendance of the
boys, multiply the average daily attendance of the boys by 100, and divide the product by the
number of boys. Find percentage of attendance of the girls in the same way. To find total
percentage of attendance, multiply the total average daily attendance by 100, and divide the

product by the whole number of pupils.

7. Days Present at School.—The sum of the numbers, in column headed * Total Days
Present,” showing number of days each boy was present during the month, will be the proper
number to be entered for “Boys,” in summary showing ‘‘ Days Present at School.” And the
sum of the numbers showing the number of days each girl was present during the month will

be the correct number to be entered for “Girls,” in the same summary.

8. How to Find Average Age of Pupils.—To find average age of the boys, divide the
sum of the ages of the boys by the number of boys. Find average age of the girls in the same
way. To find total average age, divide the sum of the ages of all the pupils by the total

number of pupils.

9. How to Find Average Monthly Enrollment.—To find average monthly enrollment
of the boys, add the figures showing the number of boys on the roll each month, and divide
the sum by the number of months the school was taught. (The divisor in this case should
always be a whole number, and should exactly equal the number of monthly reports made to

the County Superintendent.) Find average monthly enrollment of girls in the same way.
0. Make all entries nea.ly, using good black ink.
1. At the end of the term return Register to the district clerk, and take his receipt.
12. Forms for Term Record and Register of Pupils begin on pages 46 and 62.

13. How to Call the Roll.—There are several methods of doing this. The following is

a very good one: Give each pupil a number, and let him be known by that during the term.

At rollcall repeat the numbers instead of the pupils’ names, and let each pupil answer as his

number is called; or, let the pupils, beginning at number one, announce their numbers conse-

cutively, the teacher repeating the number for those absent.

14. The Figures in Parenthesis, opposite headings in summary, refer to directions on

pages 5 and 6.


By Whom Employed.—Teachers are employed by district boards of trustees, and in all
cases they must be employed and contracted with at a regular or called meeting of the board.
A teacher cannot be legally employed by a district board unless he holds a certificate of quali-

fication, in full force, from the Superintendent of the County in which he proposes to teach.

Written Contract.—Before he enters upon the duties of the school the teacher must have
4 written contract with the district board; without this he cannot by law enforce payment for
his services.

The School Register.—Every teacher must keep the School Register according to form
preseribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and at the close of his term of service

must return it, in good order, to the clerk of the district board.

Text-Books.—Teachers must require all pupils to be supplied with the text-books prescribed
by law, and must not tolerate any others. The enforcement of this rule shall not work to the
detriment of the school in the matter of average attendance; Z. ¢., the school shall not be closed
for failure to make the legal average if the deficiency has been occasioned by the rejection of
pupils for not complying with the law as to uniformity of text-books. The teacher shall be fur-
nished by the County Superintendent with a copy of the regulations of the Board of Education
concerning text-books, and this, together with the price-list he shall keep postéd in his school-room.

Subjects Taught.—In every public school shall be taught orthography, reading, writing,
arithmetic, grammar, and geography. The Board of Education has added the teaching of the

history of Virginia and of the United States.

The Higher Branches must not be taught except by authority of the district board, and
under 1o circumstances must they be allowed to interfere with regular and efficient instruction
in the elementary studies. In schools taught by one teacher not less than five hours each day

shall be given exclusively to instruction in the elementary branches.

Pupils Over Twenty-one Years of Age.—Teachers must not enroll any person over
twenty-one years of age who does not present a written permit from the district board. All such
pupils are required to <ubmit to the same rules as the other pupils.

Reports to County SuperintendentS.—Tcnchers must make Monthly and Term Reports
to the County Superintendent of Schools, according to forms furnished. The Monthly Report
must be sent to him within three days after the close of the school month, and the Term Report

within three days after the close of the school term.