/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/13 Statistical Studies/13-1 Gert Transcriptions Colored Students/Greggsville1920to1928/EWP_Greggsville19241925001.jpg
extracted text
Form T. No, 2—8-18-24—40M.
- Division 1
(Mr., Mrs., or Miss)
DIRECTIONS.—With ink write below in alphabetical order first the names
September first. See the register for method o
name, the numerator to show the grade the pupi
f computing average attendance and
1is in for current session and the den
TERM REPORT—Elerpentary a
Z District }I// £ /é/ L‘& o ffid
Teacher. }hh T[EMM /} ‘ Z?ai?:fflfz/
" A A
of boys, and then the n%
- .
of atg;gd'afiee.' Under school subjeéts below,
ominator the grade to which pro
m:)wify subject titles for high school use.
High Schools
School -/6 Q}/G/QMZMJ
- d s
= Sehdol Year/_ /9245 —/725
‘of girls; fiiving'ihréa;ch‘ case the surname first. Give in column two, age on
write a fraction in proper space after each
"_NO,._ of Months taught__
|"No-of days school waé_;)pen_J_Ll._A____
No. days teacher was present_]__Lr__o______
Boys Girls Total
1. Total enrollment L 14— 50
2. Average daily attendance./ B i,%_lzfif 2
3. Total days on roll wf@b&mfl
4. Total days present 1¥Y10 1320 3130
- 5. Per cent attendance .?L_.f_o__ AY
6. No. promoted grades 1-4 L _9_ -}(3'
7. No. failed grades 1-4 _Ci__ L
8. No. dropped grades 1-4 Ll il
9. Total No. enr’d grades 1-4 2.0 _LL’ _?li
10. No. promoted grades 5-7 s > oal
11. No. failed grades 5-7 e
12. No. dropped grades 5-7 s e e
13. Total No. enr’d grades 5-7 . g __Qv
14. No. promoted grades 89 —— —— ——
15. No. failed grades 8-9 e N
16. No. dropped grades 8-9 TR e
17. Total No. enr’d grades 89 — — — ==
. No. promoted grades 10-11
5| PP
g3 (31§ gl (B[R] |z |B
B8l | 5| L |glelulalilzs Blalz
NAMES OF PUPILS 8l le|el|3|5]E(5(% E 8 % & e
sEIBIE & |BIEIE|E|2ST 5 | S| E s
/ 1lel 3l al5le|7|8]9 10]11|12|13]14]15|16|17
" ; EYETEY 2
lORflWfl"h’IW _&:élsmi‘_‘%gz_a% __%___
Wim@mziiz_s T
Bharern Heathw/ | 1| § 50 s | -
Brpiara Dot |11 8] 4T - -
3/1-_;012?’%' & =
T a1 2 TS 3 |
7,!;44&1:@}@444@ 17178 g o
7 |
Y parivs@urade | 17192 ST s e
. L 252373 2
9 _lfi-fiéi_;rs“i B a |
23 % 42 3.
IOWMA_Luflflg,fii_gZ_ o
u)gu&;mfl.fl;mmfi Y 74| W20 o
12 W oot AW e
l el gt L) < e
I oot EEELE] I L
! L&_&@m&&__.j HegolpodF | | | | | L .
Nors.—The totals, boys and girlsj items 6, 7, and 8 above,
will be the same as the total, boys and girls, item 9; in the same
way the totals for items 10, 11, and 12 will equal the total foritem
13; the totals for items 14, 15, and 16, will equal the total for item
17; and the totals for iters 18, 19, and 20, will equal the total for
jtem 21. The total of items 9, 13, 17, and 21, will equal the total
of item 1. This careful checking of the above table shall be
made before the report is turned in at the superintendent’s
office. The items of the above table must agree with the cor-
responding items in the age-grade distribution table shown on
the other side of this sheet. Note the special instructions given
under this table.
95. Could pupils secure textbooks at contract
prices? J A2/
926. No. hours devoted to instruction in elemen-
tary school branches
27. No. hours devoted to instruction inhigh school
98. Did you use State course of study?
29. Is there a United States flag on school-
house? \./V‘ 0 .AA’n\