EWP 13 Greggsville19251926001


EWP 13 Greggsville19251926001
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Form T. No. 2




DIRECTIONS.—With ink write below in alphabetical order first the names of boys, and then the names of gxr& giviny

District W /l?i/p 00—9})

., or Miss)

Teacher M 277 Mflfi/ @/v_—eflm Racei_b_fi_fi:

September 1st. See the register for method of computing average attendance and percentage of attendance.

TERM REPORT—Elementary and High ’Schools


Sch()“OlYPnr ,)92#3 - 1720

in each case the surname first. Give in column two, age on
UTer school sub&ts _below, write a frwtxon in proper space after each

name, the numerator to show the grade the pupil is in for current session and the denominator the grade to whch}(promo : g??! sglfgtflfgt,‘lybs.@x high school use.
E% 5 fi g |3 Llel5 No. of months taught
NAMES OF PUPILS 8§ [ B | 2218|8188 Jo9elE|E g ; &
s§ 2 | B : 5 2 (3 (B3 o Y 8 2|8 ) 4 6
g.fi 3 g |8 g é 5 g §m A Y é g = ZE No. of days school was open.— ]
No. days teacher was present L)
112 3 4 |56 |78 (9|10 11| 12|13|14(15|16 |17
= Boys Girls Total
5 . 3|7 =
VB SN MJ %u./u Il"; 91140639 F1 3| 3 %’ 1. Total enrollment J.L.Lé_fi
3|2 123132 2 A daily attend iy
N«e—mx%;&!‘i? j40l )20 20T G F SSor s i el 7 1933 69
Jfl @ ‘ 2 2] = 3. Total days on roll 2076|733 4Hob
A OB 'Q/"‘W e\ ® )40l 1€ e = 2 4. Total days present 1673 SR 0ake |
&M‘,s (S_,Q/WGQ M:- | 17 1140]]]5 3’ 5 %1 5. Per cent attendance Dol e T
s (3 |5 A1 | & 414 4 A P e
»‘t’“(/x‘ob‘flf\fi S:Q—CLM_QM L[4 €477 % LG %’ lo & 515 §¢ 110 promothg Brlte LA 4 . ’
‘ . ¢ 9 7. No. failed grades 1-4 SR e Tl &P
@aoe—mswdw(r&/z €429 HEHE |3 |5 :
_’ 7 D . = = 8. No. dropped grades 1-4
[z w&t:_a-u, Y—U-—bd) 38171140 /31 = 3 3 9. Total No. enr’d grades 1-4_15 14 29
OLCJLL-A-VL ‘\‘kwa)abm 34 4] 33 l'z: 10. No. promoted grades 57 _ 2 _ | 3V /
) blelEtelt bl |Lblé 11. No. failed grades 57 L (¥
chove Roscae [3ol o o) bS5 4] | %] |57 o
e/E( 0% : : : alalz =R 12. No. dropped grades 5-7
Ea. sovc | AL ‘Q‘[‘L S/ LI €5 o 7' = 13. Total No. enr’d grades 5-7 s L
ap S—W 1 & €1)4p| 449 7% = : 14. No. promoted grades 8-9
g |4 o T : i - i e
SOl anbel (Bl a2 HEF] |3 |5 e §°' f:“led i’adezs L
S-ce W 212 |2 . No. dropped grades8-9 ___
T 317060140 bl % 2 _j j 17. Total No. enr'd grades8-9___
S e 8)00 WO—VC/L/ 2171242 g'] 2 =1 1= 18. No. promoted grades 10-11___
L, @ibuflg g lslidd % 2E = . 19. No. failed grades 10-11
~ ’ - L i P 4 4 20. No. dropped grades 10-11
, 13 o=l 5|9 |0 |3 27 219
QK Mv‘iwj 3/)’10_0}/ 3 73146 ? > ) 21. Total No. enr’d grades 10-11___
r\\g»/\’l/\.lflx a_ 3%—?[{7/'0’5]5: 2 929
) 3133|323
%B—wq ‘€MMQA-&L-QQ.> y 1242337 |44 1 F| T e .
21 {3 e AL —
A ioanne Mony |1 ls]1udnia VI SR st 8 e Tl A3 s vt Tntid Lt S
:('ié? ! ' 312{333 T U e e el e Y fiim e e
/éf"’\/ms g“"" (=0 P2 ))Ig 14 ] ? l't T for item’ 17; and the totals for items 18, 19 and 20, will equal the
g ik L [ HE L] |3 e s cotaal ok of o doore bl
XL{"L oo vwvs M 'z l a ] 45 / 31 219 2 e ‘3 o~ 9 9 :h:lltobe m%dlet%lgiore the :efi)rt is tar:cedfg:t thee s?xpe:x’xtendg
i ! Lokl e ding Thacts T Sk Sea g int it bis e
fl/\_o Syns ?)n\ SW'QW’ Il 1142 )‘D'L!L 22 — on thmhertgdza%f this sheet. Note the special instructions
¢ ' L) | )i given er this table.
\fwfi—)K.L/ms L(\EAM) d | & 4pli3ll= z
S f 2|2 |2 2 INSTRUCTION
Q@M@%Mii/amomzf - ~
‘ Q " ik le il L] L| [L|L 25. Could pupils secure textbooks at contract
(3 Vadelip | 3]0 140y 3 L 7| TVT1 7 7 sk 4o of
’ = 2. |22
S [»O'V(!]A (& oo 1y yliol/30F | FIF|F|T 26. No. hours devoted to instruction in elemen-
; ) 3|2 a3
vg—t—c/ CL,Q,, Cipis > 1/311¢p b | T %‘ 41 q tary school branches < ==
R e R\Q \Qfl;——- L 31 ligel 59 J:)—_ '/7. 27. No, hours devoted to instruction in high
; A school branches
’a..-./pcc/,, RD&Q— '—}IZ)‘/D/M%%% >
QS X L NEEENERE 28. Did you use State course of study?
5 )
A oo bl sof 2l 2) b7 471; ::Tr z: 1 ;f 29. Is there a United States flag on school-
if AdvnA ANACA Xam)\ 30| 67| 44| F|5| = i house?. Nnp,
*»* &=
Dt e I Prwace|3 | 2] byl 47|51515] |3 (OVER)

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