gz~ Be sure to report under
every head in this blank.
__________________________________________________ Komdoraie . GCOUNTY.
"Be sure to fill the blanks
Nk ANNUAL REPORT of the Superintendent of Schools for the Year Closing July 31, 1899.
NS n the back of this form.
Ve Table No. I-Pupils.
DANCE. (a)
Per cent of school population | Per eent of school population
enrolled. (b)
in average attendance. (c)
Per ceat of attendance.
Number studying the higher |
branches, if any.
Number supplied
with text-books by
% | districts.
[ |
S v thi : ‘i Solbrad. White. Colored. White. Colored. | White. Colored.
White. Colored. Total. White. Colored. Total. | White. Colored. Total. White. Colore, ‘ ol } ite. olore! . White. | Colored.
| * ]
X y 3 |~ arid 2 5 7 ] s 9 10 1 i 12 13 I 1 15 ]7 16 17 207 T S
= t |
\ Y q r [ ) 7y | 447
— 2 » - 2 9 / ) 6 J, &~ 3 E S
32657\ /ay4 | 49739 phas | VIal 5926 24 /% | 60 | 44 & o e e
| } !
pe=DBe sure to fill the table on the back of this form, and see that correct totals are brought from the back to the face of the report—whole Number Enrolled, Average Monthly Enrollment, and Ave rage Daily Attendance.
by Multiplying the average daily attendance of white (or colored) pupils by 100, and dividingithe produet Ly theverage monthly enroliment of while (or colored)
PUPils. (e) Fannd by dividing the total average monthly enrollment by the number of teachers. (7)) Found by dividing the sum of the ages of all the pupils by
the number of pupils. :
EXPLANATIONE.— No. 1.—(a) In reporting the number of pupils enrolled, the average monthly entollment, and average daily attendaneo, the Super-
int, nififi{{x\\:}{\g&o@réee']e‘g\;l\enx;e ao oy pupils who attended more $han one public sehool during the sehiool year, s6 that thoy may not he conmted
twice. (b) Found by multiplying the number of white (or colored) pupils enrglled by 100, ind dividing the product by the white (or colgrad) sohme, population.
(c) Found by multiplying the average attendance of white (or colored) pupils by 100, and dividing the product by the whité (or colored) school population. ~ (d) Found