EWP Districts1846(3)


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ioe 8

No. 9

Noe 10

No. 1le

Noe. 12.

Noe 13

1NnNing <*v v‘w‘__.*‘_ii 553 . ;
Meeting ficusa, thence with the main road passing Boland STOre,

- the Stone Church and apiek Church ©o the mouth of the Quarter

Branch on the Potomae River, thence down said River to the
Catocton Mountian Corner to No. 3, thence with Mo, 3 along
the top of the mountain to the Beginning.

Beginning at the mouth of the Quarter Branch on the Potonac
River and Corner to No. 7, thence with No. 7 to the mouth
of the lane a short distance North of Boland's 5torgi thence
with the main road to the tgg of the Short Hill leaving the
former residence of Bomerocil, Gideon Houschoton and Adam
Grubb deed on the south, thence with the top of the Short
Hill to the Potomac River, thence down the River to the

Beginning at Wheatland thence with the lines of Hoe 6 &7
ssing Grahanm's 1411, Rehoboath and Boland Store to Nos 8
ence with Noe 8 t0 Lne top of the Short Hill and Corner
to No. 8, thence along the top of short Hill, Southwardly
to the 11ns of the Corporation of Hillsborough thence with
the lines of the Cor oration East of the town %o the main
road leading %o Whaagand, thence with sald Road to the

Beginning at DT i, D. Heaton's on the Snikers Gap and Leesburg
Turnpike road thenee with the 1ine of Nge 5 and 9, passing
Wheatland to lne 1ine of the Corporation of Hillsboroughy
thence with the 1ines of said Corporation so as to embrace

the same and with the lines of WOe 9 to the Short H1ll

North of Hillsborough, thence with the top of the Short Hill
to Grubb's Shop a+ the Southern termination of said Hill

thence with the main road passing through Wood Greve to the
Snikers Gap and Leesburg fiurnpike Road near the former resildence
of Hamilton Rogers deed, thence with said Turnpike to the
Beginninge &

Beginning at Roachts Gap on the cshort Hill, thence with the
main Road passing on the North side of the farm of E. Harding
and the foerm pesidence of Wme Clendening to the intersection
of the Keys's Porry road, on the Blue Ridge near the Sevea

Run, thence with said Road to the Jefrerson line, thence

witfi said line to the Potomac River, thence down said River

e he Short Hill, thence with the 3ort Hill to the Beginning.

Beginning at the South end of the Short Hill, thence alongthe

- poad passing Hunts Shop and the farm of Wm. %otts and Ioshua

gzgg?n tg §he ggffgigan 13225 thence with 381% 1ine to the
er O Oe ence No. 11 to Roach's Gap, thence
S oth the Short Hill to the Beginninge "

Beginning at the South end of the Short Hill, thence with No, 12
to the Jefferson 1ine, thence wlth the line of Jefferson and
Clarke to the Turnpikes road above Sinkersville, thence with the
Leesburg and Snikers Gap Turnplike Road to the mouth of the lane
near the former residence of Hamilton Rogers deed, thence with the
main road via Wood Grove & Catocton Meeting House to the Beginninge