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Loudoun County Public Schools
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Holidays dnd School Calendar
9. September 13th (County Fair Day), Thanksgiving Day, the Friday
following, and Easter Monday are school holidays for which teachers will
be paid and which are counted as days taught. , No teacher can reccive
additional pay for teaching any of these days. Except by special permis-
sion of the county board no pay can be received for teaching Saturday.
Christmas Holiday shall begin December 23 and end on January 2, including
both days as holiday. No pay is allowed for this time. /
10. - The closing dates are approximately fixed by the opening dates,
and other fixed factors. Teachers will be notified by the superintendent
early in the year on what day theiwr schools should close and they should
not expect pay for teaching beyond the day unless authorized by some school
official to extend the time.
11. The right to employ teachers is vested solely in the school hoard and
when a teacher is permanently leaving school she may not employ a sub-
stitute unless requested to do so by some school official. . A teacher who
must be absent from school through illness or similar unavoidable cause
may select her own substitute from a list of eligibles furnished by the board
but only in case the swperintendent is immediateiy notified and provided
she has not otherwise been instructed by him or a member of the school
board. In the absence of any different agreement the substitute shall receive
two-thirds of the teacher’s regular salary. This does not apply to principals.
A high school pupil may substitute only by permission of some official and
the pay shall be $1.00 per day. Teachers who are absent on account of ill-
ness or similar unavoidable cause may draw full pay and pay the substitute,
provided the absences do not total more than two weeks in any one year.
In all other cases the board will merely pay the substitute. All abhsences
of teachers from duty for a whole or part of a day should be reported to
the superintendent at the end of the month.
Reports to Parents
12. Reports to parents of pupils’ work should be made according to in-
structions from the division superintendent. Forms are furnished for this
purpose. This report is to be the property of parents at the end of the
school year and should indicate by memorandum whether or not the pupil
is promoted. A record of the report should be kept in some manner. The
aumber and kind of examinations and the system shall be prescribed by the
division superintendent. G
13. Promotion requirements shall be: A grand general average of 75
per cent on the year’s work, an average of 75 per cent on Reading, Language
or Grammar and Arithmetic, and an average of not less than 65 per cent
on any subject, and not less than 75 per cent or more than two subjects,
Firomotions in the high scheol shall be Iy subjects and an average of .75
per cent on each subject shall be required.
Text Books
14. All pupils must have text books. Those whom parents are actually
unable to supply with books should be reported at once by the teacher to
the clerk of the county board. The board can lawfully buy books for such
15. Pupils leaving one school on account of discipline may not enter
another school. A pupil going to one school from another during the term