EWP 8. Yr. 1945 Tax Rates


EWP 8. Yr. 1945 Tax Rates
Debate over taxes and impact on school system.
Taxes, Budget
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= 1

visor Kirkpatrick, of Broad Run,
seconded the motion. The vote
resulted a tie, which was broken
by the affirmative vote of W.
A. Metzger, official tie-breaker.
|The line-up in the Board was:
Aye, Mock, Kirkpatrick, Baker:
'Nay: Hirst, Sands, Bridges.
Hirst Moves For Hike

Superintendent Emerick pro-
tested the appropriation of an
intermediate sum, and called for
a definition of the word ‘‘sur-
plus.” The Mock motion disposed
of, Supervisor Hirst, of Mt. Gil-
|ead, who carried the flag for the
schools, moved that the tax rate
be fixed at $1.15. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Sands. The
vote was identical with that on
the Mock motion. Mr. Metzger
|again joined the opposition and,
wvoting, this time, in the nega-
tive, defeated the move to add a
dime to the tax levy.

Only a handful of taxpayers
attended the session. It had been
expected that the court room
would be jammed. It has always
been crowded when a tax iun-
crease was being proposed, it
was pointed out.

ltion to the increase. Petitions
favoring and opposing the boost
were filed with the Board.

The petitioners included:
Against Tax Increase
Caroline Tavenner, A. J. Pier-
point, Margaret L. Pierpoint,
é' Mercey M. Crim, Florence G

T. Manning, Lillian G—range"

| exander, Cora Lutz Alexander.
= Also H. L. Wilt, W. N. Peacock,
G. M. Ritchie, H. W. Ritchie, W
e, |'w. James, Clark A. Baker, E. S.
Rust, A. W. Baker, O. P. Spring,
#0|C. W. Shoemaker, Bessie
241 Ahalt.

Also V. H. Skinner, T. Gales
{Hutchison, James D. McIntosh,
Elizabeth L. Hutchison, A. A.
Gulick, Milton H. Gulick, J. S.
1 | Galick, Jessie Gulick, R. O. Com-
pher, Alfred Dulin, J. J. James.

Also C. C. Cooper, Charles L.
Green, W. H. Ahalt, T. J. Smith,
A. B. Ahalt, C. W. Vickers, Clif-
ton Shumaker, Louise E. Ahalt,
J. W. McNealy, H. M. Axline.

Also James R. Thomasson, J.
‘Elizabeth White, Laura Nalle,
David N. Raust, jr., John Gib-
son, M.D., Rebecca G. Harrison,
Nancy Harrison O'Connor, Maria
W. Harrison, Mary J. Conrad,
S. M. Rust.
| Also E. M. Edwards, Harry Um-
8 baugh, R. C. Williams, R. D.
George, J. M. Conard, S. M. Frye,
C. B. Beans, F. J. Love, Robert
McG. Miller, C. C. Fields.

Also E. C. Wenner, H. W. Ev~
erhart, Robert L. Wright, Ray-
mond H. Smith, H. M. MaGaha,
C. R. Fawley, C. M. Beatty, L.
’ S. Fry, D. W. Frye, B. H. Booth,
8 H. W. Wilt.

‘Also Mrs. S. M. Rust, Mrs. J.
Paul Scheetz, James R. Hardy,
‘Charles H. Derry, Charles I'.
"l Conard, J. W. Harris, J. W. Trib-
by, Robert S. Clatterbuck, V. F.

B Vetter, M. D. Phillips, R. I.
Skinner. :
Also J. R. Wright, E. Hum-

¥ phrey Potts, Charles M. James,
Fred W. Graham, Clarence
_ erlds, Chnton Ballenger, O. I.


| Supervisors pan Levy j

WITO TEU Wit uUp=|+v.

position to the tax hike. Super- |L. C. Bowman, Earl S. Spring,

No voice was heard in opposi- |

Marguerite Manning, J. R. H. Al-


—y EavaEs ceaemuae BEL B RS -

@Everhait, Ty o
mtrent DT 'Dn,

T Sian Tl n =5

Raymond Myers, H. A. Cooper.

Also L. T. Beans, H. M. Thomp-
son, J. H. Compher, F. M. Jen-
kins, J. E. Arnold, G. W. Donald-
son, C. P. Conrad, Mrs. D. H.
Cooley, Mrs. Helen Ritenour, D
H. Cooley, Edgar D. Peacock,
Francis O. Peacock.

Also P. F. Legard, W. S. Bell,
Edgar H. Graham, W. W. Wins,
John L. Rollins, Otho Wienner,
H. E. Everhart, C. W. Booth,
G. H. Graham, A. R. Peacock,
Robert F. Reed.

Alsoc Mrs. M. E. Brown, Charles
T. Murray, A. S. Jenkins, Gharles
M. James, H. W. Lanham, J. W.
Grimes, J. O. Brown, Eppa P.
Frye, A. H. Lawson, Annie B.
Lawson, D. E. Rust.

Also Edmonia N. Reed, Russell
Potts, Ruth H. Potts, E. F. My-
ers, T. H. Plaster, Thurman O.
Costello, Douglas Thompson,
Mason Thompson, H. T. John-
son, S. R. Ridgeway, D. B. Um-

Also J. W. Danner, C. W. Mil-
ler, H. A. Baker, H. H. Sanbow-
er, W. F. Titus, Frank Athey,
H. L. Rust, F. Mercer Love. IIT,
R. Russell Cochran, Leonard E.
Wwilt, Joseph E. Wilt.

For Tax Increase

Also Mrs. L. G. Collier, Mrs.
W'. D. Piggott, Winnie Gray Gar-
trell, Mrs.. R. M. Gordon, Mrs.
Martha G. Saffer, Edward R
Duffey, Arthur Gartrell, G. F.
Rodrock, Mrs. B. H. Hutchison

K " LdNESE T30 5

_ Also Mrs. J. S E“Ckk i pg gzifl Thomas S. Owens, Feant

& ran, 2 s . Dueals. Wiand
folew F, Wilop, ¥ ‘Yf';__“ffl“j" f:


“line Board of Supervisors ap
propriated for schools for th
year 1945-46 the sum of $165,00(
plus the entire surplus in th
general fund on June 30, 1945
The board had previously appro
priated out of its surplus fo
county buildings an invested sur
of approximately $50,000 and i
also prescribes that in determin
ing the surplus as of June 3¢
1945, all bills on hand on tha
date shall be deducted from th
balance. The present indicatior:
are that the amount of money t
be received by the school boar
wfll differ very little from th
1&8 000 requested.


Also Mrs. Gillie C. White,
Strother T. White, Guy G. Glass,
G. Donald Gartrell, Gustaf A.
Solin, Nannie Fincham, J. Nach-
man, Nancy L. Orme, Edgar J.
Orme, jr., Lucy G. di \Zerega,
Elli O. Solin, Ruth G. Biggers.

Also Ruth A. Caviness, Polly R.
Clemens, John R. Gill, Ethel L.
Bishop, F. E. Bishop, John W.
Clemens, F. P. Smoot, Roscoe B.
Rhoads, Vivien W. Fulton, Lil-
lian T. Bridges, Pat Jackson.

‘Also Bertha Brann, Pearl S.
Jenkins, Mary H. Bailey, Mrs. J.
S. Lodge, Anne F. Dick, Mrs. E.
B. White, jr., Nellie B. Allens-
worth; Anna Zimmerman, Meda
C. Grigg, Etta A. Rhoads.

Also Jane Jalliffe Palmer, Eliz-
abeth Hutchison, James T. Jack-
son, B. B. Hutchison, Mrs. John.
Skinner, John Lud Skinner, Ben
Middléton, R. G. Biggers, B. J.
Thompson, Jennie M. Thompson.

Also Mary E. Hemsley, I. M.
Marshall, E. F. Marshall, Mrs. J.
S. Buck, Frank C. Littleton, jr.,
Clayton Tinsman, Gladys Tyler,
Robert A. Myers, Estelle Pear-
son, Frank J. Pearson.

Also Gertrude R. Thomas, John
G. Thomas, J. G. Cunningham,
Mrs. J. G. Cunningham, A. L.
Hutton, jr., Eliza G. Myers, Rob-
ert Lanham, Mrs. Elbert E.

Also Mrs. June M. Fields, F
T. Anderson, Mrs. Walter Flet-
cher, Mrs. James Akers, Mrs.


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