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< Thursday, November 13, 1958


By Mrs. P. S. Drummond

: Sunday, November 23, Sister maxing : :
. M.artha Taylor will preach at the g;dn);ient(’ia?cee OB 5
First Baptist Church, Bluemont, | On our sick list are the fol
£ The Four Echoes of Washington | lowing: Mrs. Hester Jones of [ I8
. will give a song-service at 8 p.m. | Leesburg.” Mrs. Jones is a pat e ‘
;\rahe program is sponsored by |ient at Loudoun hospital, Mrs.
rs. Alene Carey. Janie S. Redwood has returned
The (_Zoun.ty Wide League is|to her teaching duties at the
celebrz}tmg 1’§s 21st anniversary | Douglass Elementary School
on Friday night, November 21,|Mrs. Redwood was hospitalized
in the form of a banquet which |for several days last week. Mr
will be held'in Douglass High|and Mrs. D. T. White of Hughes- b
School’s auditorium. Tickets are|ville are improving at their re-
now on sale. Proceeds will go to-|sidence in Hughesville. Mrs. B
wards the annual scholarship| Margaret King of Purcellville ié
fund..C}{arter members of this|a patient at Loudoun hospital [E =
organization will be honored.|also Mrs. Lizzie Standard of Pur- e
The guest speaker Wwill be Dr.|cellville. Mrs. Emily Smith and s
E. B. Henderson of Falls Church.|her father Howard Hackley have B
The Douglass. High School|each been hospitalized and have F'-va-;-m.
Rams won their homecoming|returned to their home in Pur-|} o
game bon Friday afternoon, the|cellville.
score being 127, their opponents i ; !
s blng 1. e copnt s Gomruind, conien O
andria. Douglass’ Homecoming coln, wishes to thank friends for |Eees
Queen this year was Miss Ruth|their liberal contributions to-
Smith of the twelfth grade. She|yards their recent floor rally. NF'*N
is the daughter of Mr. and’ Mrs.|The committee raised $210
Eu@{xfir’ Sx‘:tuthd Gft Leesbuxivig.. M;:sls. Guests at the home of Mr. and [
miths’ attendants were Miss Lil- e - £ E
len Peterson of the eleventh ggzayllaiiarfirgf Ig:; cgélvllvllleé
grade, Miss Shelia Brygnt of the of WaZhin gton MI:S Rua’Lch G ar%— ey
t(f:'nth grade and Miss Joyce| jor and Mrs. Anna Carter of Ar- [
rayson of the ninth grade. Cli- lington. Mr. and Mrs. Andy
=! 5 ickland and daughter, Lo-i =
& rette and Mr. and Mrs. James
B Wood of Washington, Mr. andf
= Mrs. Harold Hampton and Dud-§
“3 ley Gaskins of Willisville.
» Our deepest sympathy goes to|lh e
| the family of the late Will Rob- e e
§lerts of Leesburg, Mr. Robertsm S
| was a member of the Providence e


= Baptist Church of Leesbursg. s
There will be a Sock Hop atiss e

i o ozl i it ——— S T { ]
e A sl = S M the Carver School, Friday night, &
% s | November, 14, from 8 until 10|

- o _,_;rw
R i M. e TS S SR d
; S .1 Refreshments will be on g
- e Sale. Admission will be 35 cents, &=
a sponsored by Mrs. Maude Smith‘r :

=, 35, e for the Queen—King contest. s e
: X o o —

e Mr. and Mrs. Ledgener Buck-t“: .
™ ner of Washington Visited Mrs. FESREEEE
=~ Pauline Dawson of Middleburg, BE=russ —
?Sunday_ = *»\j-;,_»-,
. M. and Mrs. Elijah Courm —
em== and family of Washington vis-i=
S=lited Mr. Courm’s parents’in Bull
e Run. .
e Attorney and Mrs. Herbert EESs
ate and son and Harrison Tate eSS Rl
mof Montelair, N.J., visited with [FES
= \rs. Louise Sands in Purcellville
& riday. The Tates are vacation-[&
ing in Washington. -
. Chicken "and chitterlings din-
e ;s will be sold at the home
m——f Mrs. Nannie King of Hamil-|}
o ton, Friday evening, November


e e e cOln is
e ing-0f Raleigh, N.C. |
~ = iss Norman Rogers, GeorgeF
s rs and Freddie Green of
.~ - Ashburn and. Mrs. Thomas Jones gE===r
= and Robert ' Sims of Dranesville b
.11, visited | in Laurel, Md., re-
& cently.
— == There will be

, a dance at thelfss=—r= "
= Douglass high school Friday F::‘;*:"!g%
& ight, November 28, sponsored [EEEEREEE

%:—-‘ i

o iy Ed Brown and John Tolbert St s
the schooll W,: e e s

=== (or the benefit of
& hand. The main feature of thelf
A e =l cyvening will be the «Diamonds.” [
B e | (mission will be $1.25.
e A son, David Kevin Fairfax, |
s T Vs born October 31 in Loudoun §
N [10spital to Mr. and Mrs. ~Art-
fax of Purcellville. (=

SR hur H. Fair :
. e v . IR
e . and Mrs. Jerry C. Lincoln ==
B of Round gill are the parents TSNS
n, Scott Mayo, born Nov- [ ,

at the hos pital.

s - -

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