Football game at Douglass High School. Douglass downs Parker-Gray of Alexandria for the first time. Parker-Gray In 1936 graduated its first high school class. In 1965 the last class was graduated. During the desegregation of the City of Alexandria’s public schools, Parker-Gray was reassigned as a middle school. Parker-Gray School finally closed its doors in 1979.
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/To be Cataloged/ScanApril11/IMAG0443.JPG
extracted text
—Times-Mirror Photo by Al Carnes )
PUNCHING THROUGH A HOLE in the line opened and Douglass’ first gridiron win in history over the
by his teammates, Quarterback Joseph Baltimore Alexandrians. Right guard William Lucas (93), left
(66), right, goes for a gain against Parker-Gray turns to watch Baltimore plunge away.
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== Baltimore Stars in 12-7 Win ‘
= Douglass Downs Parker-Gray First Time in History
“":;:,“":jg By WALTER BRYANT lass’ football history that theyj—————— e N
Quarterback Joseph Baltimore beat Parker-Gray. g eh
led the Douglass Rams to a 127, Bgltimore unleashed an elec-
homecoming v1ctory. over Park- trifying 65-yard pass to Richard
er-Gray of Alexandria Friday at|Berry for the first score, and in
Leesburg. " the third quarter ran eight yards
It was the first time in DOllg-Jfor another tally,
! With Douglass ahead 12-0, on
the very next play Howard
Turner ran back the return kick-
off 80 yards for a touchdown
and then converted for an extra
point for the Alexandrians.
The Rams put on an. exceilent
lisplay of skillful competition.
arles Lansdown, particularly,
‘ard, ran hard, played hard.