/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/To be Cataloged/ScanFeb10/IMAG0091.JPG
extracted text
\ : . Qotober £, 1928,
Po Counly uchool Board Members::
I have rocelved a petitifln signed by 48 persons
under the following heading:
"Io the County tchool Boaur. of Louloun County, Virginie.
We, inc undewslignsd, flive hoads of fawmilles, an pairons
of the Vaterford iy Sehopl, and resigents of Jeffarson Vagle«
terial Dilstrict, Loudoun .Couaty, Vir a, horeby ref
4o aismiss anu remove Xx S A, Vesnse ag gprincipal and
teacher in the Vaterford High Schoul
pigtibl upon ANC school grounds. Plouris ing & pistol in
the school buil'ing. {e) Plouriching a plstol In the prceence
of puplle in the.Tourn of taterford. {a) Conauet prejudicisl
to the best interaest of hu schoole '
He has been guilty of the Tfollowing: (a) Bringing a
I have not;fiefi~m:. Tegselle that thie petition
mxii be heard ntili:OO Ay M, at'the regular meeting uale of our
board on Tueeday dotoher ninthe I guggest th=t 17 all members
come promptly by ten o'ciock tho roqzina‘mfltzers other than ihis
eari be dispoued of by eleven o'clock.