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and lights as well as the
n of the car.

reports will be sent into
ytor Vehicle Department
d if anything is found seri-
ong with the car, the driv-
be summoned. On minor
ns, the drivers will be

Regardless of findings of
rolman, a general report
sent to the headquarters in
nd and all those inter-
or stopped by a patrolman
sive a letter from the Motor
Department asking for a
dvising the conduct of the
vho stopped them and the
in which they were inter-

el M. S. Battle, Motor Ve-
ymmissioner, says that such
v drive by the department
ve a two-fold purpose, first
a cross section idea as to
dition of automobiles using
hway and likewise a report
State police as to their ef-
and general manner in
ching motorists.

e who are stopped by a
satrolman will be given a
howing of his inspection,

willl exempt the motorist

vemaction by another State

L) o S e anies

gin the State.


Womeldorph Starts


154 Students
19-Year Period; Faculty
Increased To 11

L. A. Womeldorph.
school principals now serving the

Spection In Northern Vir-| Coutity schoot svstemt. He has Head"

e Road Safety, Page 2

| Cross Backs

thing Bureau

ouncement was made here
day by Mrs. Robert Nix,
-ford, chairman of Volun-
production Corps for the
.y to establish in Loudoun
ything Bureau, sponsored
e Loudoun County Chapter
. American Red Cross. The
is another ‘effort to ‘“keep
Red Cross ready.”

e bureau will collect clean,
ed, useful garments, mark-
. to size, to be used where
.d throughout the county
hools, Red Cross or general

e Bureau plans to work in
seration with all church
iliaries, young people’s
ps, home demonstration
;, garden and book clubs
parent-teacher associations
ughout the county.
llecting points will be es-
shed and appeals made for
ng machines. The plan will
apply to such communities
ready have their own work-

w York Banker
Vill Talk Here

ouncement has been made
» visit of Erling C. Olsen, a
Street banker to Leesburg on

P o e T

NS T e

ed the high school at Lovettsville
for 19 consecutive years. From
present indications the school will
again enjoy a full enrollment for
the term, its student body compos-
ed of children from miles distant.

Mr. Womeldorph received his
public school education in Freder-
ick County,< was graduated from
Roanoke College in 1917, taught in
the high school at Strasburg for
the term 1917-18 and in the prepa-
ratory department at Roanoke
College in 1919-20, accepting the
principalship at Lovettsville in
September, 1920.

Many fine accomplishments
show on the records during his
principalship at Lovettsville. The
handsome and commodious school
puilding was erected there in 1927
which replaced a dilapidated build-
ing. The present building was en-

See Womeldorph, Page 4.


tember 13.

held at this time.

have a part in the meeting.

Newell Wards Tr
For Passage On

oy = s ’,;npr

20th School Term|

Graduated In

Tovettsville High School will

O_p en today for its 1.;we.nt11e ;hl se(s); the devotions on Wednesday at
sion under the prlnmpas'p " the meeting and a quartet of
In point 01| o chers composed of E. C. Morris,

esti e eyt W oinels i - 5
t’v’cn{fi’b‘ifi%"’ di?&lm RSE u(lj\(atllg(, g/'ucy'

larged in 1937 -to accommodate
pupils from the one-room school,

Ashburn Will Fete Teachers;
To Install Officers Wednesday

Ashburn Parent-Teacher
Association will install officers at
its meeting to be held at the
school Wednesday evening, Sep-
A reception for the
faculty of the school will also be
Patrons in par-
ticular are urged to be in attend- 1939
ance to meet the teachers and to biinging gretifsimsiiEtisns

...... i

The great surge of back-to-
school came today when the doors
of the public schools in Loudoun
swung wide to enroll near. 4,000
pupils, about 3,500 of which were
white children, the remaining
colored. It is estimated that the
enrollment is near the same figure
as last term.

Preceding the opening of school,
Superintendent O. L. Emerick
called together yesterday all
teachers in a meeting at Leesburg
High School when plans for the
new term were mapped. Of the
111 white teachers, 11 of the group
are entering work for the first
time in Loudoun, the remaining
100 teachers will return to their
same positions.

Matters pertinent to educa-
tional work were discussed under
the leadership of Superintendent
Emerick and Miss Helen Einstein,
the latter new elementary super-
visor. The meeting, however, was
concluded with a conference of
elementary teacheds headed by
Miss Einstein.

The Rev. J. S. Montgomery led

furnished-inusic. ~Kendal! Harri-

{ son, directe® of the counts schoolw

pand contributed cornet solos.
Mrs. R. S. Pickens again Dpre-
sented the plan for school ground
development that was so success-
fully carried on at the schools last
term under her leadership.

New teachers introduced by Mr.
Emerick were Miss Janet Patter-
son and Miss Louise Otley, Aldie;
Miss Virginia Smith, Arcola;
Misses Betty Nolan and Evelyn
Herring, Leesburg; Misses Con-
cetta Mangus, Nancy Herr, Thom-
as H. Kane and Elizabeth Robert-
son, Lovettsville; Miss Alyce Wen-
ner, Middleburg, and Miss Ethel
Littlejohn, Round Hill.

Teachers this term will secure
all textbooks for the students from
the Paeonian Springs school
storeroom for the first few days
of school, after that books may be
obtained from the office of the
superintendent by teachers only.

County Heads Back
Annual 4-H Fair

The 4-H County Fair, which
takes place at the old Bush Meet-
ing auditorium in Purcellville, Sat-
urday, September 16, is exciting
even more than the usual interest.
A vigorous campaign of the Fair
sponsors, headed by J. R. Lintner,
agricultural agent, to make the
exhibition county-wide Is

The affair is sponsored by the
county extension staff, local 4-H
leaders, the county banks, mer-
chants and individuals. Boys and
girls will turn out in full force,
probably to surpass last year’s

Ao Nl SN

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