/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/To be Cataloged/ScanFeb10/IMAG0176.JPG
extracted text
THEEVENING STAR, Washington, D. C.
MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1951
Ve|sh to Speqk Chevy Chase X-ray survey at
R 8 ‘o'clock tonight in the office of
William W. Welsh, president|the County Tuberculosis Associa-
- Montgomery County Medi-|tion, 7 Wilson lane, Bethesda. The
ociety, will address. neigh-|X-ray survey will be held May
od workers for the Bethesda-|1-12.
Reserve One Now
Cold Storage Hampers
and trunks for winter clothing in
summer and summer clothing in
winter. Protection from moths,
insects, fire, theft, dust and the
deteriorating effects of heat and
$12, $13 and $1S5 per year
Berurity Stovane Gompany
Affiliated with the American Security & Trust Company
140 Fifteenth Street N.W. DI. 4040
Cold Store YOU;‘ Furs
before the moths move in. Drive to the
" parking space at the front door, deliver
your furs and get a receipt in two min-
utes, or phone for our vans to call.
Loudoun School Suit |
Dismissed by Court
Special Dispatch to The Star
FRONT ROYAL, Va., April 23.—
| An application for a temporary
injunction to prevent payment for
the Elgin tract, selected for the
new consolidated high school for
Loudoun County, was dismissed
|Saturday in Warren County Cir-
cuit Court by Justice Elliott Mar-
The judge ruled that charges
made by a group of Purcellville
citizens that the school board had
“exceeded its authority and acted
corruptly” were not substantiated.
The injunction application, di-
rected against the school board,
the superintendent of schools and
the treasurer of Loudoun County,
also stated that the $15,000 to be
paid for the tract is excessive, the
land is not suitable and it is not
in the geographical center of the
Representing the school board
were E. B. White and Howard W.
Vesey, Leesburg attorneys. Albert
F. Anderson represented the pro-
testing citizens.
Loudoun County supervisors on
April 10 appropriated $15,000 to
| buy the lot, selected by the school|
| board. ‘
'Sparkman to Address
Father and Son Banquet,
Senator Sparkman, Democrat,
of Alabama, will speak at the
second' annual Father and Son
banquet of Woodside Methodist
Church Men’s Club at 7 p.m. to-
morrow at the church social hall.
Members of the Women’s So-
ciety of Christian Service will
serve as hostesses. Dr. Harold P.