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Loudoun County Public Schools
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/To be Cataloged/ScanFeb10/IMAG0178.JPG
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d brick
e Chief

e mar-| A recent| decision by the Shen-
thmitted andoah County Circuit Court
ite Fire the efefect that county schoo}
nd that boards cannot 5
+t would school board members or of the
superintendent of schools will

have no effect on present poliices

0ES pre- ) ‘
rarrison | of the Loudoun County school
county, | board. according to Superinten-

t of Schools O. L. Emerick,

ull up | den

n. The) He said the situation

hat It | was covered by
3uild- statuatory prohibitjan,

that Fob S - %uy g schiool board membors .-
e ave nbers of their S 2e 38
gt - h are employeyd~in Ef_\‘ ¥ 5
OO system, and where the =
?ele; E intendent of schools alf 7
members of his family & Li i


; ybeans, cotton-
| pisinea 1 2 pro-
1 Hill, | 'mising sound:film " t0" be shown
e deer |t~ the “nekt ~free “farm ~program
‘100N | on fi;ri‘fldy;night,‘-_Novem-
i '8 orclock at the Church
of our Savior at Oatlands,

Questions will be answered and
comments made by commodity
and security experts brought here
by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner
& Beane, world famous com-
modies and securities firm. What
not to do, what pitfalls to avoid
and how to plan and execute an
investment program for the indi-
vidual will be discussed after a
film is shown on securities and
how they are traded on the New
York Stock Exchange.

A large gathering of commu-
nitv- folk are expected to be outb

> Geo-
by his
- start,
gh the
ed not
find to

Decision on School Hiring
oesn’t Apply in Loudoun

ports, the school board had to
fund individually to the county,

to | re

hire relatives of |

in the school system.

tions to the code provisiof
relatives who were employe:
fore -the school board membé
superintendent took ' office
expected, and employees
employed at. the. time
provision was enacted (1938

" Rescue Squad '("

also exempt.

T ! -
Harrison added since the com- [John Clemens.

salary p_aid to the - wife of

of the Virginia Code, in that

person hired was a relative,

in the specified "degree, of
superintendent. 5
Mr. Emerick pointed out this

c ‘here * xceptions 3 P
weel that there -are excep WODS | trom Howell E. |Jacksod at i

the code provision which

- ST
He said that the two ' O


The Loudoun County es-
cue Squad has set $1500 as
its goal in a door-to-door
fund raising campaign. ;The
campaign will begin on No-

vember 30, and will Lover

most areas in the county
According to James MYyers,
the money is needed to pay
for rescue equipment already
acquired, and to finano’i ex-
pansion of the squad’s faci-
lities. Money is still owed on
the squad’s truck. A two
way radio will also be ope-
rated, along witk. a portable

generator! unit, which wHl

teacher. It was ruled that | o 7
the hiring violated Section 2206 The "Middle /

with- | program - for_J=

in Loudoun County. where at e v

o, s’.‘ib’

the fcode |

il & - g sty S R AL . W T i

. Shown on the stage of the Middleburg Community Cente
|'teachers of Loudoun and Fauquier Counties are ( (left to right
Community College, Carson M. Bradley, superintendent of sc
Indorf, of the Ccommunity College, Howell E. Jackson and O. ]

for Loudoun County.

Announced at Party


Community Center Progra


ideas fromiyou for improving
service,” . MI. Jackson told

‘several hundred public school f
chers assembled in the ballroo

His brict remarks followed <
and entertainment by P
1 performers in the 8¢
d room. Large sketcl

s e | e e R

S - el az;d there Wg_re paper I/’a
" ana forns for everyoue.


. Mr. Jackson said that the edu
evex'}'b?fi pasis,” . had . been | cational pregram, which includ
Mr. Syt 5o successtul thatb it will | o5 and orientation course for firs
t%1S | grade teachers, the consultatio?
—— | of a psychologist and varous sup
plementary educational events fo
public school pupils, was design
ed in an effort to tie Loudow
and Fauquier Counties togethe
in a community of education
interests. So far as he has bee
able to learn, he said, it is a uni


b and Fau-

st Triday of

the | Center


e “guler was ass

continued finanicing on a perma- | o
nent basis. The\ assurance ‘came | fessiona

Loudeurn -


¥ Ihar thc pro~

3 g s g
" cullom. Who /[ast year on an eX-

‘fGEI Zontinued. - “Al. we ‘wan



‘State_Senator Harry Byrd, Jt.
is coming for a visit to Loudoun
on Tuesday evening.’ He will® be
the speaker for the Clearinghouse
Association of Loudoun, Fauquier
and Prince William Counties to
be held at Goose Creek -Country
Club. The Senator will talk on
tha subject, Virginia, at the 6:30
o’clock dinner.

The clearinghouse group has a
membership of 15 banks in Lou-
doun, Fauquier and Prince Wil-
liam counties. It is expected that
the organization will —have a
hundred percent attendance for
the meeting, 3

The session ‘is the annual
meeting of the Clearinghousk.
gff‘ice‘rs . and directors will beI

. e N

Army Chorus

The Choralairs; a 30 unit
mixed voice glee club attach-
ed to the special activity
wing of 1020 U. S. Air Force,
will sing at Aldie High School
on Sunday, November 29 at
7:30 p.m.

Their appearance is spon-
sored by the Church of Our
Redeemer, Aldie. There will
be no admission charge.

The choral group, widely
known in the Washington
area, includes male and fe-
male voices. It is directed
by A-lc Arlo C. I. Deibler,
who has organized and di-

rected many well known ser-
cinoino . orolinae