/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/EWS Special Projects/John Rust Project/2020 RustArchives/Scan_20170718 (17).jpg
extracted text
BECAUSE: Your deposits will be se.
cured by over Two Million Dol.
lars worth of conservatively in-
vested resources. The largest re-
sources of any bank in Northern
BLECAUSE: Our twenty-one direc-
tors are men of large affairs, who
give as careful attention to the
care of your funds as they do to
their own.
BLECAUSE: Our officers were each
brought up on a farm and under-
stand the trials and needs of the
BECAUSE: We consider every item
of business entrusted to us a
strictly confidential. This is the
first thing we impress. upon a
clerk when he enters our employ.
BECAUSE: We insist upon courtesy,
promptness and aceuracy on the
part of our elerks.
BECAUSE: We are always ready to
help the young man with integri-
ty, energy and thrift and who has
shown an ability to get ahead. In-
deed, our bank has been r:.n..;
built by backing young men in
their business enterprises. Some