Mabel MacDonald wins first prize in Atomic Essay Contest. A runner up was Virginia Johnson of Douglass High School. Prize was awarded by Loudoun Provisional League of Women Voters.
Douglass HS, Virginia Johnson, Mabel MacDonald, Atomic Power, League of Women Voters
These are the five winners in the atomic energy essay contest sponsored throughout the
schools of Loudoun by the Loudoun League of Women Voters. They are first row (left to right) Mabel
MacDonald, first prize winner, Phylis Kephart, Lincoln High School, second row (left to right) |
Virginia Johnson, Douglass High, Robert Tait, Lovettsville and Kathryn Albaugh, Aldie.
S .
Other Winners Named . f,
Mabel MacDonald Wins First
Prize In Atomic Essay Contest }
Mabel MacDonald of Leesburg | for the .contest were Mrs. Wil-:
High School was the county-wide | liam S, Ashbrook, Mrs. Robert S.
winner in the essay contest on| Pickens and Col. H. H. Slaughter.
the subject “What Atomic Ener-| With the announcement today,
gy Means to Loudoun County.” the month-long county program
Miss MacDonald was awarded|on atomic energy, sponsored by
the $25.00 prize offered by the ! the Loudoun Provisional League
Loudoun Provisional League of| of Women Voters, was ended.
Women: Voters. | More than half the schools of the
Winners of the $5.00 prizes§ county had seen slide films on
for the best essay in each high | the subject, and a considerable
school with three or more en-! amount of general interest was
trants were Phyllis Kephart, Lin- created.
coln High School; Kathryn Al-! — ek b
baugh, Aldie High School; Robert
Tait, Lovettsville High School,
Virginia Johnson of Douglass
High School was awarded an
honorable mention for an essay
which the judges considered very
good. Her essay was not eligible
for a prize because illness pre-
vented two of four entrants from