Portion of article " Mabel MacDonald wins first prize in Atomic Essay Contest." A runner up was Virginia Johnson of Douglass High School. Prize was awarded by Loudoun Provisional League of Women Voters.
Atomic Power, Mabel MacDonald, Virginia Johnson, Douglass High School, League of Women Voters.
> How can we put atomic energy
_funder world control?
: The Atomic Energy Commission
1ilset up by the United Nations in
. | January, 1946, has made its First
Report. This Report “is not a plan
for atomic energy control, but only
some of the elements which should
be incorporated in any complete
and effective plan.” Those “neces-
sary elements” can be outlined as
1. An Atomic Development Au-.
thority should be set up by a treaty
signed by all members of the Unit-
ed Nations.
|~ 2. This Authority would develop
'a system of control and inspection |
for all production of uranium and |
[ PRST h activities, considered |
hese ; -
o0 “dangerous” for control by 1n-
‘. Iclloividua.l %ations, would be carried
out by the Authority: (a) making, |
storing, and shipping U-239, plu- |
tonium, and any other i:lss19ng,ble {
materials; (b) denaturing fission- |
able materials so0 they cannot be
used 'in bombs without extensive,
processing; (c) distributing dena
tured materials to national auth
ities for peaceful use; d) cond}
ing the only research into des
wvp uses of atomic energy.
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