EWP GoneAway,June1947(1)


EWP GoneAway,June1947(1)
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Loudoun County Public Schools
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/EWP 15-27 FoxCroft/EWP_Gone Away June 1947 (1).jpg
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Middleburg Public School

There have been so many reports these

last few vears on the woeful state of

public school education in the United
States that a brief account of Foxcroft’s
project at the Middleburg School seems
mo-t timely. Some of you may know
that this year a few private schools 1n
New York City are contributing money
and volunteers to provide an after school
program for the public school children in
their neighborhood. So it 1s with pride
that we report that Miss Charlotte has
already for three years had such a pro-
gram at the Middleburg Public School.
(Foxcroft had an earlier connection with
Unison School which burned down three
vears ago and was never rebuilt.)

Miss Charlotte’s interest in the school
grew from her talks with the men who
work at Foxcroft and send their children
to Middleburg School. The school had an
enrollment of 175 pupils, and could not
offer enough activities to keep the children
really busy and happy—particularly in the

afternoon hours. So Miss Charlotte went
to the School Board and asked them to
let IFoxcroft take over and be completely
responsible for the afternoon hours from
2 to 3:30. The School Board granted
permission ; Miss Charlotte set to work.

Two afternoons a week carpentry and
cooking are taught by teachers paid by
Foxcroft. The other three days the Fox-
croft girls themselves are responsible for
the program. Among the various projects
thev run are: choral classes, games, danc-
ing, and art classes. About five girls go n
to Middleburg School each afternoon. a
different group each day. Thus each gir!
gives an hour and a half per week. Al-
though every group is accompanied by a
member of the FFoxcroft faculty, the girl
in charge of the group is the one who
must plan and organize the afternoon theyv

This successful project not only intro-
duces the Foxcroft girl to her community,
but exemplifies, we think, a very healthy
private public school relationship.