EWP 2-5B LCSchoolBrdProceedings002


EWP 2-5B LCSchoolBrdProceedings002
meeting, location, school, building, Lincoln, Virginia, community, funds, construction, Round Hill
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Loudoun County Public Schools
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/EWP 2-5B Lincoln Fire Yr 1926/Lincoln-Purcellville-Dispute-1926/LPD2D/Questions Before School Board/EWP_LCSchoolBrdProceedings002.jpg
extracted text

. would have been at thi s meeting so the Board could act upon it,


How was the location first made at Lincoln?
The proposition came from the people to put up the building
and they put up the moaey. The Digtrict Board at that time
did not want to build it. In this case the gchool Board is
planning to build the building.
Charlie Ford suggested to use the Round Hill building and not
build the high school. (Anplausge)
1f the building were put up at Purcellville, what would be
the action of the Jefferson District.
At pregent, as I see it, we have a surplus of buildings in
our digtrict. | rhe complaint is that we have not the attend-
ance to fill them. That being the case it looks as though
Jeffergon Disgtrict would not vant to out up more buildings.
purcellville helped on the Round Hill school and we paid back
the score when we built the Purcellville building.
Then the question is up tb Mt. Gilead.
The complaint is the crowded bus. This ig becauge the
children from outside of Purcellville come in the bus and
the bus is already over-crovded,
I do not see why the bus cannot stand the present crowd for
gsuch a gnall distance. We are going to have Will gteele put
a bar acrosgs the top and the children can stand up for that
short a digtance, The bus is a 24 T. capacity and will easily
carry the children,

cost in
what would be the difference inahauling the Purcellville
children to Lincoln or the I,incoln children to Purcellville?

There would be the children from north rwork and thoge from

Lincoln, I do not think there would be 3 great deal of

. would have been at thi s meeting so the Board could act upon it,


How was the location first made at Lincoln?
The proposition came from the people to put up the building
and they put up the moaey. The Digtrict Board at that time
did not want to build it. In this case the gchool Board is
planning to build the building.
Charlie Ford suggested to use the Round Hill building and not
build the high school. (Anplausge)
1f the building were put up at Purcellville, what would be
the action of the Jefferson District.
At pregent, as I see it, we have a surplus of buildings in
our digtrict. | rhe complaint is that we have not the attend-
ance to fill them. That being the case it looks as though
Jeffergon Disgtrict would not vant to out up more buildings.
purcellville helped on the Round Hill school and we paid back
the score when we built the Purcellville building.
Then the question is up tb Mt. Gilead.
The complaint is the crowded bus. This ig becauge the
children from outside of Purcellville come in the bus and
the bus is already over-crovded,
I do not see why the bus cannot stand the present crowd for
gsuch a gnall distance. We are going to have Will gteele put
a bar acrosgs the top and the children can stand up for that
short a digtance, The bus is a 24 T. capacity and will easily
carry the children,

cost in
what would be the difference inahauling the Purcellville
children to Lincoln or the I,incoln children to Purcellville?

There would be the children from north rwork and thoge from

Lincoln, I do not think there would be 3 great deal of