/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/EWP 2-5B Lincoln Fire Yr 1926/Lincoln-Purcellville-Dispute-1926/LPD2D/Questions Before School Board/EWP_LCSchoolBrdProceedings004.jpg
extracted text
'what ig the argument in favor of building at Love'!'s corner
instead of at Lincoln?
The argument ig that it would be shorter for all pupils,.
It isAa great deal to have the high schoel and the grade
school»tegether. our metnods of teaching the first grade
and the seventh grade children is jJust ag different and
they are in the same building, There jg decided argument in
favor of combining the two. If the building is in Purcellville
with a bug being run from Lincoln, I do not see any advantage
in having the pupils seoarated. A child on hig vay from
Hamilton would not be saved much by coming to the Love's
corner to Purcellville, or te Lincoln, L
I think the agricultural part of the thing would be the
objection. They would object to its being in towm.
I do not think it would be acceptable in the town,. They
- want the outside setting.
I am opposed to having a high scheol and a grade school
toge ther. The playing of the high school and grade school
children together is a greater proposition. There is a
wonderful difference at Lincoln gince we separated them.
I do not think thig would be sgo difficult. There ig one
boy in the Purcellville gchool who took charge of the play
grounds and they were helplegs to deal with the i tuation.
The teachers managed to work it out.
If you had teachers enough to direct the whole play it would
be a wonderful thing, but 1 have nbt been able to get the
teachers to do it.
If the building is put at Linceln, it will take more than
one bus to haul the children from Purcellville to Linecoln
'what ig the argument in favor of building at Love'!'s corner
instead of at Lincoln?
The argument ig that it would be shorter for all pupils,.
It isAa great deal to have the high schoel and the grade
school»tegether. our metnods of teaching the first grade
and the seventh grade children is jJust ag different and
they are in the same building, There jg decided argument in
favor of combining the two. If the building is in Purcellville
with a bug being run from Lincoln, I do not see any advantage
in having the pupils seoarated. A child on hig vay from
Hamilton would not be saved much by coming to the Love's
corner to Purcellville, or te Lincoln, L
I think the agricultural part of the thing would be the
objection. They would object to its being in towm.
I do not think it would be acceptable in the town,. They
- want the outside setting.
I am opposed to having a high scheol and a grade school
toge ther. The playing of the high school and grade school
children together is a greater proposition. There is a
wonderful difference at Lincoln gince we separated them.
I do not think thig would be sgo difficult. There ig one
boy in the Purcellville gchool who took charge of the play
grounds and they were helplegs to deal with the i tuation.
The teachers managed to work it out.
If you had teachers enough to direct the whole play it would
be a wonderful thing, but 1 have nbt been able to get the
teachers to do it.
If the building is put at Linceln, it will take more than
one bus to haul the children from Purcellville to Linecoln