EWP 2-5B LCSchoolBrdProceedings005


EWP 2-5B LCSchoolBrdProceedings005
historical, debate, location, Purcellville, Lincoln, superintendent, insurance, offer, Hamilton, Hillsboro
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Loudoun County Public Schools
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/EWP 2-5B Lincoln Fire Yr 1926/Lincoln-Purcellville-Dispute-1926/LPD2D/Questions Before School Board/EWP_LCSchoolBrdProceedings005.jpg
extracted text

The proposition before us is whether to buildlthe new building
at Purcellville or rebuild at Lincoeln. The law requires
that we must select the site and the site must be aporoved
by the superintendent. The propositicn is $20,000 insgurance
~ with grgunds and twoe buildinge at Lincoln. Purcellville
hag made no offer or anything te offset Lincoln's offer.
B. Assuming this Board think best to locate at Purcellville
they would make demands on the Purcellville people to do
thus and . If the money is not contributed, they could
vi thdraw the offer,
Qe How many of those were patrons, do you think were represented
thi s morning?

3 A. The patrones from Hamilton were mostly represented and the
gentiment is to keep the building where it is. The Hillgbero
peonle petitioned for it at Purcellville. 4
It was moved and carried that a vote be taken on the proposi=-

Qe How do you want to take the vote?

Mr. Norman, I am for ILincoln,

Mr. Gum. For Lincsln,

Mr. sowder, I am for Linceln,

Dr. Brcfin. I anm fer Linceln,

Mr. Hall, I am for lecating the_school at Lincoln. 1

feel this Board owes an obligation to the people who contri-
buted to the school at Lincoeln and I would not be willing }
to remove the school frem that lecation, In favoring
Linceln, I do not think I am injuring Purcellville's claim

for a high school, for they have a claim, but in time of

The proposition before us is whether to buildlthe new building
at Purcellville or rebuild at Lincoeln. The law requires
that we must select the site and the site must be aporoved
by the superintendent. The propositicn is $20,000 insgurance
~ with grgunds and twoe buildinge at Lincoln. Purcellville
hag made no offer or anything te offset Lincoln's offer.
B. Assuming this Board think best to locate at Purcellville
they would make demands on the Purcellville people to do
thus and . If the money is not contributed, they could
vi thdraw the offer,
Qe How many of those were patrons, do you think were represented
thi s morning?

3 A. The patrones from Hamilton were mostly represented and the
gentiment is to keep the building where it is. The Hillgbero
peonle petitioned for it at Purcellville. 4
It was moved and carried that a vote be taken on the proposi=-

Qe How do you want to take the vote?

Mr. Norman, I am for ILincoln,

Mr. Gum. For Lincsln,

Mr. sowder, I am for Linceln,

Dr. Brcfin. I anm fer Linceln,

Mr. Hall, I am for lecating the_school at Lincoln. 1

feel this Board owes an obligation to the people who contri-
buted to the school at Lincoeln and I would not be willing }
to remove the school frem that lecation, In favoring
Linceln, I do not think I am injuring Purcellville's claim

for a high school, for they have a claim, but in time of