EWP 2-5B LCSchoolBrdProceedings006


EWP 2-5B LCSchoolBrdProceedings006
history, men, Ford, Smith, discussion, future, school, Lincoln, calamity, decision
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Loudoun County Public Schools
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/EWP 2-5B Lincoln Fire Yr 1926/Lincoln-Purcellville-Dispute-1926/LPD2D/Questions Before School Board/EWP_LCSchoolBrdProceedings006.jpg
extracted text

calamity such ag this, I would not see Lincoln deprived of its

advantages of the High gchool.

Mr., Ferd. I 2 with Lincoln.

Kr. Smith, de you care to vote?

Yes, I will give a vote, This Beard is composed of five

men who are very 1it£1e affec ted, Mr. Ford may be affected
gomevhat and I am affected, but I wanted the opinion of the
neighfiors Iirst. these are men who think about sch@oi

matters all the time and are more familiar with the situation
of schools than I, I do not know what the future will be;

one or two things may happen. Purcellville may double in ‘
population, In that case they would have to have a high ; -fi%
gchool up here and I do not want to do anything that will

make me regret the action I have taken today. I want to

do the best thing when the people consider it the besgt thing,
or, the Jefferson District may in time decide that it ie to
their interest to have a high school here,

I vote for Lincoln.

The vote was unanimous for Lincoln.

» » » *
what is the wish of the Board in regard to Mr. Emerick's
getting of f the fence?

That ie not necessary at this time,

calamity such ag this, I would not see Lincoln deprived of its

advantages of the High gchool.

Mr., Ferd. I 2 with Lincoln.

Kr. Smith, de you care to vote?

Yes, I will give a vote, This Beard is composed of five

men who are very 1it£1e affec ted, Mr. Ford may be affected
gomevhat and I am affected, but I wanted the opinion of the
neighfiors Iirst. these are men who think about sch@oi

matters all the time and are more familiar with the situation
of schools than I, I do not know what the future will be;

one or two things may happen. Purcellville may double in ‘
population, In that case they would have to have a high ; -fi%
gchool up here and I do not want to do anything that will

make me regret the action I have taken today. I want to

do the best thing when the people consider it the besgt thing,
or, the Jefferson District may in time decide that it ie to
their interest to have a high school here,

I vote for Lincoln.

The vote was unanimous for Lincoln.

» » » *
what is the wish of the Board in regard to Mr. Emerick's
getting of f the fence?

That ie not necessary at this time,