/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/EWP 2-5B Lincoln Fire Yr 1926/Lincoln-Purcellville-Dispute-1926/LPD4F/EWP_1926ProPurcellville005.jpg
extracted text
Let us ascume for the purpese of study that the origi-
nai éuntriéufioré have 3fi eqfiity_othér thafi a5 taxpayecrs and
citizens in the Liz,.c-cfil_z; buiiaing ‘231“&1}811‘3;‘5;5;0‘6. ¥hat then
is the 1ollar value of that eqfiityg | These’ucnzributprs
gave &lfi,Bé?rof which $2,000 was inVEstefizin iand. No one
expacted any ifltefést gn- $ne moneya. o ans GTpGCtPé any
increase on ihe amounts domated. The most hoverul expectation
that thess donstors coulld possibly have hal would heve been the
use of a buildiing for the education of their children and
grand children for fifty years, 4t the end of that time the
puildiing would be obuelete and no% of any appreciable value.
?he land normally could be xux etpected %o be gti1il worth |
e, 8005 . Mna ionators nal the use of itne building for one-
thifl of Tifty yeanrs. * mhoir maximum equity therefore would
be 2/3 of $11,847 or $7898. —bn leducted
tuition rebates amouniiiz to #Approximai:iy ngOO'aug_hfiafifiee
1at amand od <] 3 i i T T G U . & O nea =
OQur difference is
QLQBS a5 the Tinal eguity and totsl claim, moral OT ¢t herwise
of the origin.l donators in the Lincolu nublic school property.
The ideas refutiflg these statements and claiming X
Vabbnt'all the insursnce derived have been heard., Do you say
that If 5 mar invests in business and the business results in
mogey gain, thQJi§y¢stor is efititled_to the_grofits?' Grant
thatfhégisg | {Gh~fihfiéthfirhand vhen « manvgivgs?fioney does
-hé expeet it back? An Indian givgf,;iamfoid, dnes.
Assume for a moment that no insursnce had been carried on the
Let us ascume for the purpese of study that the origi-
nai éuntriéufioré have 3fi eqfiity_othér thafi a5 taxpayecrs and
citizens in the Liz,.c-cfil_z; buiiaing ‘231“&1}811‘3;‘5;5;0‘6. ¥hat then
is the 1ollar value of that eqfiityg | These’ucnzributprs
gave &lfi,Bé?rof which $2,000 was inVEstefizin iand. No one
expacted any ifltefést gn- $ne moneya. o ans GTpGCtPé any
increase on ihe amounts domated. The most hoverul expectation
that thess donstors coulld possibly have hal would heve been the
use of a buildiing for the education of their children and
grand children for fifty years, 4t the end of that time the
puildiing would be obuelete and no% of any appreciable value.
?he land normally could be xux etpected %o be gti1il worth |
e, 8005 . Mna ionators nal the use of itne building for one-
thifl of Tifty yeanrs. * mhoir maximum equity therefore would
be 2/3 of $11,847 or $7898. —bn leducted
tuition rebates amouniiiz to #Approximai:iy ngOO'aug_hfiafifiee
1at amand od <] 3 i i T T G U . & O nea =
OQur difference is
QLQBS a5 the Tinal eguity and totsl claim, moral OT ¢t herwise
of the origin.l donators in the Lincolu nublic school property.
The ideas refutiflg these statements and claiming X
Vabbnt'all the insursnce derived have been heard., Do you say
that If 5 mar invests in business and the business results in
mogey gain, thQJi§y¢stor is efititled_to the_grofits?' Grant
thatfhégisg | {Gh~fihfiéthfirhand vhen « manvgivgs?fioney does
-hé expeet it back? An Indian givgf,;iamfoid, dnes.
Assume for a moment that no insursnce had been carried on the