/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/EWP 2-5B Lincoln Fire Yr 1926/Lincoln-Purcellville-Dispute-1926/LPD4F/EWP_1926ProPurcellville015.jpg
extracted text
'5‘>'pla npen thfi sentiment*a;
;.14.3., -
~ school at Lincolu has‘gr; This
map iistributea?ld; péssible
ot ‘bein:
iffif Aocafiiuna
.3311VA53~ SrfivelfiTyi:21m1 e3{twica a daJ to?}'°fi
"'from the present 10@3;10fi°’7‘ ?here are 58 vha 30 éQ.?;i;éfibéé
,wbo AOW. 1iva in the nelghbsihoois of Pnilemo;t ani Bilgott
fSprlngs come tnrough Pu:oellvzllQ n part cf tha vear to 3each
' a1nco1n a greatai iistaaae over better roaia. . ?he estab-,p
Lishmcfit of'a gchaol at Purcellv; le Wouli ;ot be a diuadvantage
‘f]ta 11 of tnebe pupiia.n Lhib leaves a total ot &0 a1t and near
“Linuc1n &nd Ho:th ?orx who easalv callect at Llncsln anfi to
'“meet Qhom 88 travel aé mila ;iaily,{g'j ”na sum tOua"of inii—
v1dual eAtra and nnncaos #lis
Aiays eabh year,?a Lota; s? 29 TQfiimiles, = fif éfi‘ ents a'miie~
i,in¢s ameunts fio ¢1058 annuaxi& 1n_adiitionx to the value of the
‘ emg Llhe 5 bumtlin
’~ILQ§merr; oroxib iu&tlzn afi pitching ani fiastling :
Q3ma11 Qeet a384n&ut9“lflg, l;ttle uhUGb clatter&ng;;
Little nanis Llfi“)ing and liitle tcngues chatterinyj
- And lzhe fewls in a f?rmyfiflflg\whnn baz;, is bcatte
= ‘” f1iT"Uu£ came ahe ehlliren runaning =~
' - f:figll tne ;ittle boys nnd gi”lbl
Y;Wzth‘rasy cheoks ana flaxen curls.fi =
At Linucln all is quiat.
‘*";'*"‘*:»V‘Tm‘ f’“*"’“n“s of the Lincoln site have made & stromg
people who havr—* foni recollections
£ their assoeiaticns a
liLincaln,janirup03:the sentiment con=
'5‘>'pla npen thfi sentiment*a;
;.14.3., -
~ school at Lincolu has‘gr; This
map iistributea?ld; péssible
ot ‘bein:
iffif Aocafiiuna
.3311VA53~ SrfivelfiTyi:21m1 e3{twica a daJ to?}'°fi
"'from the present 10@3;10fi°’7‘ ?here are 58 vha 30 éQ.?;i;éfibéé
,wbo AOW. 1iva in the nelghbsihoois of Pnilemo;t ani Bilgott
fSprlngs come tnrough Pu:oellvzllQ n part cf tha vear to 3each
' a1nco1n a greatai iistaaae over better roaia. . ?he estab-,p
Lishmcfit of'a gchaol at Purcellv; le Wouli ;ot be a diuadvantage
‘f]ta 11 of tnebe pupiia.n Lhib leaves a total ot &0 a1t and near
“Linuc1n &nd Ho:th ?orx who easalv callect at Llncsln anfi to
'“meet Qhom 88 travel aé mila ;iaily,{g'j ”na sum tOua"of inii—
v1dual eAtra and nnncaos #lis
Aiays eabh year,?a Lota; s? 29 TQfiimiles, = fif éfi‘ ents a'miie~
i,in¢s ameunts fio ¢1058 annuaxi& 1n_adiitionx to the value of the
‘ emg Llhe 5 bumtlin
’~ILQ§merr; oroxib iu&tlzn afi pitching ani fiastling :
Q3ma11 Qeet a384n&ut9“lflg, l;ttle uhUGb clatter&ng;;
Little nanis Llfi“)ing and liitle tcngues chatterinyj
- And lzhe fewls in a f?rmyfiflflg\whnn baz;, is bcatte
= ‘” f1iT"Uu£ came ahe ehlliren runaning =~
' - f:figll tne ;ittle boys nnd gi”lbl
Y;Wzth‘rasy cheoks ana flaxen curls.fi =
At Linucln all is quiat.
‘*";'*"‘*:»V‘Tm‘ f’“*"’“n“s of the Lincoln site have made & stromg
people who havr—* foni recollections
£ their assoeiaticns a