EWP 2-5B 1926EmerickUndatedPlan004


EWP 2-5B 1926EmerickUndatedPlan004
centralized, high school, education, region, consolidation, resources, Purcellville, strategic, development, community
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Date Created
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/Access Files/Upload temp/1036145_EWP_1926EmerickUndatedPlan004.jpg
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Loudoun County Public Schools
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/EWP 2-5B Lincoln Fire Yr 1926/Lincoln-Purcellville-Dispute-1926/LPD5/EWP_1926EmerickUndatedPlan004.jpg
extracted text
I 3esire at this time to make a statement bearing on
this case to show my views as to how the matter shouli be handlei

Let me £irst say that on severalmmm occasions the
question of permitting some high school work in the Purcellville,
Hamilton ani Bluemonfi schools and additional high school work in
the Hillsboro school has been presented 1o me. 1 have always/
discouraged such propesals because I felt the cour se proposed
would result in a number of weak high schools although it was
apparent that the final outcome would'be onlyrone high schobl
for the entire territory ani that &t the mos< populous place,
Purcellville. My attitiude has certainly not been a iisaie
vantage xxg to Lincoln. . '

When the matter of installing an agricultural depart-
ment with a teacher paid entirely by the state was first before
our county, the State Séhool Superintendent wrote me that I as

divisioanqperintendent must select the school. I selected

_ Lincoln because it seemed the proper place but received very

sharp criticism from another Bxx section of the county for my

When the question of xk a separate Purcellville Dis-
trict was pending in 1917 one of my first acts as Jivision
éuperifitenden% was to advise State Superintendent Stearns that
since the object was a new high school fhe course proposed
4id not seem the proper one. 2

When if became necessary to lock horns with the pPur-.
cellville town authorities over the collection of what has

already amounted to about $1,000 from a tax on bank stock I

have not hesitated to be against the Town of Purcellville ani
I 3esire at this time to make a statement bearing on
this case to show my views as to how the matter shouli be handlei

Let me £irst say that on severalmmm occasions the
question of permitting some high school work in the Purcellville,
Hamilton ani Bluemonfi schools and additional high school work in
the Hillsboro school has been presented 1o me. 1 have always/
discouraged such propesals because I felt the cour se proposed
would result in a number of weak high schools although it was
apparent that the final outcome would'be onlyrone high schobl
for the entire territory ani that &t the mos< populous place,
Purcellville. My attitiude has certainly not been a iisaie
vantage xxg to Lincoln. . '

When the matter of installing an agricultural depart-
ment with a teacher paid entirely by the state was first before
our county, the State Séhool Superintendent wrote me that I as

divisioanqperintendent must select the school. I selected

_ Lincoln because it seemed the proper place but received very

sharp criticism from another Bxx section of the county for my

When the question of xk a separate Purcellville Dis-
trict was pending in 1917 one of my first acts as Jivision
éuperifitenden% was to advise State Superintendent Stearns that
since the object was a new high school fhe course proposed
4id not seem the proper one. 2

When if became necessary to lock horns with the pPur-.
cellville town authorities over the collection of what has

already amounted to about $1,000 from a tax on bank stock I

have not hesitated to be against the Town of Purcellville ani