/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/EWP 2-5B Lincoln Fire Yr 1926/Lincoln-Purcellville-Dispute-1926/LPD5/1926UndatedEmerickPlan/EWP_1926EmerickUndatedPlan001.jpg
extracted text
I desire at this tifie’fa‘maiéfazsfaféméat bearing on
this case to show my views as to how the matter shculi be han3195- ¥;
- Letl me first say thac on aeveralnnn acc&sions the 7
quastian af permltting Some high school vork in the Puxcellville"
Hamilton ani Blnemcnt aehcola ani aiiitional hioh schael Work ln :
the Hillsbcro suhoal has been presented 10 me. I have always
iiscouragei such prOpasala hecause I felt the cour se prOpoaefi' 7 i
would result in a nnmber af weak high auhools although it was
apparent that the final outcama waflii ba onlv one high school
for tae entire territaryranfl that ¢$ the most noaulons place,
Purcellville. Ey attitiuie has eertainlv not been a iisaie
Vantage =%y to Lineeln. .
Then the mauter of inutall¢ng an agricnltural Jepart-
ment with a uaacher paxdxentiralv«by the sta;e was first bef@xe
,'four ccunty, the state %choc aumerinteniemt ?xate mfi that I as
-Siviszou snperintenflent mnst saleet the school. : 'I:aeleotei =
Lincoln beecause it seames the nroner plfica but raeeived very
S5 ey
sharp criti cism from another ;ix seetiefi af‘the county for myi,A
action. 7 ' ' ‘, 7 ‘ :
Fnen the queatien of zk a sflparate Purcellville Dis-~
triot wag ppniing in 1917 oue of my first acts as division 4
snperxnten&ent was ta aivise Stata Superintenflent Stearns that
since the object was a new 1gh school the course pr0posed '
31 not seenm the prcper one.'
When it became necassary to lock horne with the ?nr-‘*'
cellville town authclitiea over the collection n? what has
already amounted to about $1,000 fram a tax on bank atcck I
have not hesitatei to be against the Town of Pn:eellville and
I desire at this tifie’fa‘maiéfazsfaféméat bearing on
this case to show my views as to how the matter shculi be han3195- ¥;
- Letl me first say thac on aeveralnnn acc&sions the 7
quastian af permltting Some high school vork in the Puxcellville"
Hamilton ani Blnemcnt aehcola ani aiiitional hioh schael Work ln :
the Hillsbcro suhoal has been presented 10 me. I have always
iiscouragei such prOpasala hecause I felt the cour se prOpoaefi' 7 i
would result in a nnmber af weak high auhools although it was
apparent that the final outcama waflii ba onlv one high school
for tae entire territaryranfl that ¢$ the most noaulons place,
Purcellville. Ey attitiuie has eertainlv not been a iisaie
Vantage =%y to Lineeln. .
Then the mauter of inutall¢ng an agricnltural Jepart-
ment with a uaacher paxdxentiralv«by the sta;e was first bef@xe
,'four ccunty, the state %choc aumerinteniemt ?xate mfi that I as
-Siviszou snperintenflent mnst saleet the school. : 'I:aeleotei =
Lincoln beecause it seames the nroner plfica but raeeived very
S5 ey
sharp criti cism from another ;ix seetiefi af‘the county for myi,A
action. 7 ' ' ‘, 7 ‘ :
Fnen the queatien of zk a sflparate Purcellville Dis-~
triot wag ppniing in 1917 oue of my first acts as division 4
snperxnten&ent was ta aivise Stata Superintenflent Stearns that
since the object was a new 1gh school the course pr0posed '
31 not seenm the prcper one.'
When it became necassary to lock horne with the ?nr-‘*'
cellville town authclitiea over the collection n? what has
already amounted to about $1,000 fram a tax on bank atcck I
have not hesitatei to be against the Town of Pn:eellville and