EWP 2-5B 1926EmerickUndatedPlan002


EWP 2-5B 1926EmerickUndatedPlan002
public policy, public good, district, education, high school, land, new school, elementary school, modernization, Lincoln High School
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Loudoun County Public Schools
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/EWP 2-5B Lincoln Fire Yr 1926/Lincoln-Purcellville-Dispute-1926/LPD5/1926UndatedEmerickPlan/EWP_1926EmerickUndatedPlan002.jpg
extracted text
for the rest of the iistrict. ;]»"'

This qfiastionié'nat’néi onefef*xhat Lincoln, Pur-
'callville Hamilten or any other town nse&a~ar vants. It'is
8 quebtion of kax bruafi general publlc poliay and pnhlic good.

A nman in publiu offiee ahsnld seek not to atir up
strifé but when i&snas are clearly brought he must have saffi-
eient courage ani conviction to Jo what:he bekieves to be right,4k
ang\firoper. | ”

Althcugh aeveral reports with names have been brought
to me of the harsh remarks cannerning nyself which have been
made by Lincoln sympa*hisera I have on+y the Kindliast feeling
towards then. I am k eeping neither notch, stic., nor score

card against them.

This, hnfi, wouli seem to be the proper course to
pursue in thia ma%tgr. |
: Aocept the §£tt of Purcellvills p90ple who offer a
gite of land on the Love aroparty and buzli a high school
there. 0511 it still "Lincoln High Sciool”. Sell ine

~ Home “ccnsmies C0t$age at Lincoln for a house. Sell also

in one or two tracts about five aeres of land of the present

site. Hove the present shop in sections and re-erect cn X
dew site. |
. Build on ths ram&iningVSite of sbout fiva acres and

on the present icnnflation_é new elementary school building
of the approxinate sizefani.ar:angement of the Hamilton school.
This is suggested in view of the fact that the mresent elemen-

tary building does not in seversl particulars meat the require-fifl‘

ments for a standard school.

" Abanion tranSpcrtation»afi‘uublic expense from Puroallé;
for the rest of the iistrict. ;]»"'

This qfiastionié'nat’néi onefef*xhat Lincoln, Pur-
'callville Hamilten or any other town nse&a~ar vants. It'is
8 quebtion of kax bruafi general publlc poliay and pnhlic good.

A nman in publiu offiee ahsnld seek not to atir up
strifé but when i&snas are clearly brought he must have saffi-
eient courage ani conviction to Jo what:he bekieves to be right,4k
ang\firoper. | ”

Althcugh aeveral reports with names have been brought
to me of the harsh remarks cannerning nyself which have been
made by Lincoln sympa*hisera I have on+y the Kindliast feeling
towards then. I am k eeping neither notch, stic., nor score

card against them.

This, hnfi, wouli seem to be the proper course to
pursue in thia ma%tgr. |
: Aocept the §£tt of Purcellvills p90ple who offer a
gite of land on the Love aroparty and buzli a high school
there. 0511 it still "Lincoln High Sciool”. Sell ine

~ Home “ccnsmies C0t$age at Lincoln for a house. Sell also

in one or two tracts about five aeres of land of the present

site. Hove the present shop in sections and re-erect cn X
dew site. |
. Build on ths ram&iningVSite of sbout fiva acres and

on the present icnnflation_é new elementary school building
of the approxinate sizefani.ar:angement of the Hamilton school.
This is suggested in view of the fact that the mresent elemen-

tary building does not in seversl particulars meat the require-fifl‘

ments for a standard school.

" Abanion tranSpcrtation»afi‘uublic expense from Puroallé;