EWP 1933 Slater Fund 1


EWP 1933 Slater Fund 1
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Loudoun County Public Schools
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extracted text
Application for Slater Fund Aid for County Training School

Application is hereby made to the Trustees of the John I, Slater Fund for an allotment o
to he used in partial support of the Negro County Training Sehool in
of y during the sehool yenr 1932-1083, this sehool 1o 5
high school pupils from any part of this County,
I, The essential faets concerning this school nre o8 follows
a. Name of the Sehool
h. Location of school (post office or R, 1. 1).)
¢. Enrollment of the sehool durving the school year 1931-1952-— Total
Fourth Year ITigh School IMifth Chrade
Third Year ITigh School I'ourth CGrade
Second Year High School Third Cirade
First Year Iigh Scehool ) Second Grade
Bighth Grade* [fivat Cirade
Seventh Grade Sub-Primary Grade

Sixth Grade > Kindergarten

* In school systems where there are only geven elementary grades, leave ¢ x
d. Number of teachers to be employed 1932-1933—IElem. § H.' S T
e. Total proposed monthly pay-roll for teachers 1932-1933
{. Number of months that it is proposed to run the school in 1932-1933
o. Total proposed expenditure for teachers’ salaries (e times f) &
h. Bstimated sources of support for the school for the school year 1932-1933 =
State L & C/OO 0—: Negro people & JO0~
County 1244 % White people
District Slater Fund oa
ool ho

i. Title to the sehool property vests in Cno« H
j. The title of the hoard legally controlling and running the sehool is

Countzr wehonl Hospo of DOoNOOUN AQULC., 1 i

k. The other public sehools for Negroes in this country that teach any high \'.hw,l T
mate distanee of each from this sehool, the high school grades taught and the enro

high sehool grades are as follows: none

1. The hizhest grade to he taught in s sehool next yenr will ho
m. The voeational or industrinl subjects that will he taught are

Larand. colinee

n. Rating, if any, given this gehool by State Department of Bdueation for 19311932

lieated unde

o, Shortages, il any, whiel Ikept this sehool from rocoiving a highor rating than that ine

n, uhove

i 0 '. " \ it pranted, must ho nsed for tenchers’ salaries or to aid in
1. 10 is understood that the Slater Fund allotment, i grantec 8 s a1 il b e B2

remoying one or more of tho shortoges ns Hsted under 1o, ahovo,

D}"t'; _‘”H’ tiancho

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Supt. Schools,

