EWP 1938 July 29 Slater 1


EWP 1938 July 29 Slater 1
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Loudoun County Public Schools
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P C 7 8 &

Application for Slater Fund Aid for County Training School

Applieation ix hereby made to the Trustees of the Johin 7. Slater Pund for an allotment of &

to bo used in partial support of the Negro County Training Selhool in 491 ' : Coundy, %
r o ounty, Sats

of Vieglnt y during the school year 1032-1033, this sche o ‘ .
high school pupils from any part of this County, ' 0l 10 be open without eost 10 any Negrs

I The essential facts concerning this sehool are as follows :

a. Name of the School I
b. Loeation of school (post office or R. I, D.) Logg) r
¢. Enrollment of the school during the school yenr 1981-1082-Total I g
Fourth Year IHigh School Fifth Cirade £
Third Year High School Fourth Grade -
Second Year High School 1.6 Third Grade 1€
First Year High School 0 Second OGrade 15
BEighth Grade® . First Grade
Seventh Grade - 7 Sub-Primary Crade
Sixth Grade_se e iloe s S Samis L. Kindergarten il
* In school systems where there are only seven elementary grades, leave this space blask.
d. Number of teachers to be employed 1932-1933—Ilem. i T i, ,Total 4
e. Total proposed monthly pay-roll for teachers 1082-1088. = i $ . R45,
£ Number of months that it is proposed to run the school in 19821933 8
g. Total proposed expenditure for teachers’ salaries (e times f) s _§ AT
h. Bstimated sources of support for the schoo]o for the school year 1932-1933 : e
State - .- ST $__‘?_0_Q_.6—=,-_._ Negro peoyh B el OO
County . JASVSLR S Whitepeople . —
District - Slater Fund e
e District . S =
o et ab e e

i. Title to the school property vests in -
j. The title of the hoard legally controlling and
Countz choal Board of Lo

the school is

k. The other public schools for Negroes in thi:
mate distance of each from this school; thi

high school grades are as follows:

igh school grades, the approwi-
ght and the enrollment in so’

A— S—

I The highest grade to be taught in this sct
m. The voeational or industrial sub th
n. Rating, if any, given 1