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Loudoun County Public Schools
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/2 Petitions Plans School Board and Districts/School Districts/EWP_School_Districts_1846002.jpg
extracted text
Beginning at the mouth of Goose COreek on the Potomac River,
thence up the creek to the Bridge at the moubh of Tuscarora,
thence up the paved road to Market »treet on the Town of
Leesburg, thence up Market Street to the paved road west of
Leesburg, thence up sald paved road to Wm Rice's on the
Catoctin Mountain, thence to the Limestone Branch where it is
- crossed by the Leeaburg and Waterford road, thence down
sald Branch to the mouth of Tutt's lane, thence with the main
‘road to the Potomac River at the Big Spring Mill, thence with