EWP 3-1 Early 1


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Loudoun County Public Schools
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" 45 begome doGusinted wl3h each other, Imegine s perent letiing lfi%

i wflnl‘o & who monid foel nuhancd G, Muel.m: the !MU'&!‘(/ ay

gteat work it m.a,uz; she It ougngeds

To rarevks of Loudoun Cownty
School Chlldrsn:

' Spe white mehoolu oFf Lonliun fonnny wiMl spinon MOARRE
Septanber 10%h ay ;00 . 2 ; e

r spf—sxr. o7 schotle In thic county logl-gear tho tatel
sum of 914 00 bosides publays for proporty. «mid pryaend ol dable,
Of thie sam $Li0,00C was sunent for insirvet lon oz tanclers, | AbLut
tRase Dame anoun ~u w1l ke épent next yuar. Hntaril iy’ pvery sohd
official ant evory tazpayer oho suprorte the schools wmants efficliesn
ropults. Repecinlly 4o pou, pavenissg! the dhildren, wand officte:
Lrdgaiieg. ta Gt not -afford to be #ntinficd with our met mchiavn-
merntt e Oy bess sghould be mile betiar, Byl how? A

Binsa last Juouary thoe ai:ic}.am of the sohool pustes ol
Lnl® county dmwve been busy vwilh preparabions for. vhe saprok yesr'n
Jabast Ly oned.., . In se 1004 Iy tesehels A3 in pr oviabng Tor the ean
tary And phyuiend welfnve 0% e schoole they huwe done 5o Toat Vi
ecotld with the funds ovellable ani the Haterisiy sl patd. Prowm LVhe .
20%h of Hoptamber un uniil the §lal shoelg of merry chelinen HILOETOE:
i the end of apsthsr gelonl vear the « ind of »wory thak & done ¥n'car
- sungole will Lepend very largely Bpon e GU-upersvion ol pszenm
tanchers phose, eifgris ceo tm’ aroun T the okil h:en.

The seicipne or rmr o6 eo=onerativn helween par nnta and
tepciers ¥ ould ansily mormm- By 10 per vent.oox any *lu 000 moneg !
Jysiue thg rogulte of cur wkn eduesiional effori. ';'n Brens plainlads
Lho “tenchirg i 1w trons of the gchuels of Lovioud Tuounly are Tei

or her cbild epnd nifo monthe unidr the o cure of 8 R Qx vumsn: o
he oy the 8cey ;mt :wa #% Hlia< - Yoyever y‘nnr uwumeeu mm:lraw !
gl Oflaclh e A ' i
st Fatre Homo of vhe ehilaxon of Thi'e u:.\n?. enke
A pnddic ovn conseisnves’ Suke T Bolewnly mpuesi. W Wbmfl i 4

e onr saimo}.s And thd perantd o thetn CXildren 0 mv wn»qt nma;- v
10 Ahs evhocl tern to ine ond thad s Erisndly unders M !

,4 rmm 4 #o Phad (w»omrnim my rmoh it; syl ot

"’iw mx:mm 2003, g AN
L bur oo‘wmnny hme:wu am::ic! w.»lp amaertaur "' ¢ by n
' !xxg miala guriy in tho baEool yoar for s poroos Fisont

" fuvited Bere and nov To ¢l on the Usnubieye and ‘.-ume}wz:a 1w oWl
{he pureatW. - Thore doetnot out8y oy mie af ebigeetie

| Geakding whe gdall all firel. ‘rm&‘ A8 % nart ol 1wt groat Baell
o doweloping our new daoerac in tie pera soLter, of gelilag
Cgualnted with enuh olhar Bcol llmn P ¢ be Afgeardod. Loy s

- pusily on Bita phvont . kn She etpha, AZBYE A PoRd or &Y het bmg'
plage wiih thely sorenmte 3 ever su humb e u:w.w fot be sorihy of

G e muaf'.auon Vet Al g to tmch@nu i d pntfinw
e mquntutmau will be avplks oonnmumvt. uu e pny s ITONS rz«xn!z%&‘


Ly ket 46 atopt for tir mohwol ‘(su aboat S0 berin ‘L‘" s)o;sm
2 _ g ‘ ; §