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Loudoun County Public Schools
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/3 Superintendent Files and Annual Reports/3-1_Emerick_Essays/Emerick_Files/EWP_budget_issues_001.jpg
extracted text
Loudoun County Schools
The schools of Loudoun County are concerned with the education
of 4,000 children , of whom about 900 arcNegroess
There are onp one=-room, twaathreenroom, gix foureroom, four
larger alemenhnr&, one high, and three combined elementary end high
schools for white ehihnren, a total of 17
There ara sevan finenroom, one- two=-room, three five to elight-room
elementary mfid one high school for Negroes, & total of 12e
All of fihe whit& schools have central hfiat and indoor sanlibary
facilities a«vopt the dne-raom schools All white schools having three
or more teafihers except three have audltoriums,
The fiegro high scheal and two of the elementary sehcols for
Negroes %ave cantral heat, indoor sanitary facilities, and euditoriums,
Ecr the first time the county will have twelve grades in 1lts
ayatem‘in 1%49*59. t |
The sa}ar’ies of cswlziy graduates range from $2040 the first year
to $2616 aftgr uwelve yeara of axperienee.
in@ coumty anjoyed th& distinctioh of having the lowest tax rate
among Virvinifi ccountles alang with Garolina and Prince George in 194849
but here no tax was levied upon the capitaq of merchants and our rate
of $1e25 wes,’ tharefore,the lowest net rata in the Virginiae
flanaéqnently s 1t cmn not be surprislng that our schools
lack adeqpate space for the pupils, that aqpipmsnt and instructional
supplias are nat adequate ané that taaehers' salaries are much lower
than thoae in abross~the-r1V$r counties in fidryland and in the
Matropolifian area of Virginia xnnnxina adjoining Washington, De Cs
; Cur high schools pange in enrollm&nh from 110 to 2704 The
buildings lack puch modien facilities as cl%nicsw teachers' rest rooms,