EWP 3-1 DSC 0001


EWP 3-1 DSC 0001
EWP DSC 0001
governor, virginia, finances, labor strikes, debt reduction, public service, education, agriculture, resilience
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e ————————— c

scutive Tells Legislature Virginia Is Fast Getting

v»Show Healthy Gain Over Recei : i
7 | Jver Receipts for Precedine
;{/t q% ‘ ! Year—Debt Was Reduced $744,735 .49, 5


GS'\’{{rnor E Les Trink'

p{‘ ) fterndon read his measu/W\,Q/’ r)/lfi/o.,d/o YL

eglislature, which ¢
sing sesalon, shortly a

L/( {({ i~
14 Q Ny
Z/(7 ' he message follows: rQJ\) . \ »_’R,\ 0 .‘
the Genaral Assembly LOT _the ¢
ginta: l ng fund, ti te)
) . ‘ndéf the law you are asm A/ ) L'LA nt;!"i“f::ms{hnn’*(;ra, Hhoul
| \/ ‘mept your duty as mem 7 be of i ek
4 ) nterest for me
/ 'l\ & honorable body, May | ‘V,,.( on ‘the 2759 shan :
/ : ss ‘the sincers wish th VWAL » A slock owned ;1"”;’ of tl
§ 104" 'of service will be i*&1nin in the Rict g 'r;a ':“'
1°%our real accomp (akkb % 5 TRONG: ¥ ten
3 ¢ urg and Potomae Ratlroag
"v U/ mpany at $100 par value, origis
L. roblems for solution lly amounting té a total of 978 -
- { fifl, and the wisdo L thére waers declared dividend
/ Yy AT8 Bolved me Q/H”RQQMn! prior to the stoek Alvi-
/ tadvancement or end "6 1922 amounting fo £602,200,
9f. our anclent & nd 1h"that year thers were de.

y,zulth. OO L

‘ure&‘{\xrtl\nr dividend stock obli-
sel confident th

) atlon® amounting to $877,400,

0d by a sipcera K a total par valuation of this
§Arve with a sy ek 6t §1,754,800, and this stoek is
& and that self y eldfMEE annually to ‘the State of
~"‘fm)tlve will n Irginia $122.836
= any part of, "Yl. I a¥' glad to report'to vou that
8 body. 9 Irginik seems to be favorably situ-
/ q‘lt to assure tted Br a minimum ‘of damage to
) ‘dady to join )’-) : be done by the holl weevil and,|
iat may sta AL therefdfe, our farmers who own |
n, People ary mtftoa‘;]und gro awakening to this |
i te, P situntion, and it is hoped that our |
A - fi('-"onernl C/ L/\/\/QLM, PeoplNOWill direct thelr nnnntlonfj
wia, like a long the line of the production of !

“ has s > Raising Burley Tobacco, ‘
. 1wl \ I am rellably informed ,that. in
J outhwest Virginia they ara begin- |
; ng to raise a splendid quality of
Yt rley tobacco, and some sections
nd Ithis end of the State seem to hs
i ompeay. JgHS ,“lm‘?grly adapted to this form!|
i —-B-Q/ ..}h CgFffultural pursult, |
H b » «h¥e a further activity along|
I 188 will he shown. ;
{ ,B_Q-’ t: ' Lh&ve visited one or more times
e i it ' ’ haidkast two years every institu-
: 7 : : | flncluddlng penal) in our State,
{y 0 avegendeavored as best [ eould
B ] i i C L i a0m/ C&xtqflm the eonditions and acquire
| ‘ booag ) rmation as to the work being
: | v inht}‘:te same, iy
: VL0 v were so that all of you
: ’ ¢ ) 165 rsonally visit our penal in-
i i ¢ : tlons, for I am quite sure you
i l-k/\'l& d"'He more than satistied with
} e ) work being done and the con
18 thera to he found.
(mva noted steady improvement
) L08T. them from the time of my
Wit until the last. ' It will be
wefrom the budget estimates
ame. of our penal insitutions
wking great. gaing alon:i
M lines and we ara strug-
rd, with hope of success, to
Y e penitentiary and State farm
elf-sustaining basis within
fwhile, without in any way 1}
With ‘the treatment a;
ieational Institdtions, j
‘ te educational inatitutio’
heen making rapid progre;
“tapparently too mueh for o
* to meet their financial nee
ve become fully ' convirn
we are getting ias- ;refit"
eturns’ from our edy
Itutions, .“li sthe


15 ¢ 3
"%BaCk to War‘Tlnle Inconlc~——Rev€'nlIES fflr ]92; E’ ‘\ (X QO r\“n”‘ of her activities, for

i !
int of money expended, than
& I have knowledge of. Wa
orking for us many who
«asily more than double the
isation now pald them, but
‘efer to gerve in their nativae| :
thor and Conl Strikes,

11 doubtless be remembered (_;
1922 Virginia faced a very| ¢
condition during the labor
if that “year. The general
will "never know the waork 3
A8 done In order to avold
and save violations of law

386 who had charge of this

r Tha anxious hours spent

¢ this period were not carried
people. O

m glad to say, however, that

1sxed through the labor strike

I beliove, less law violationsh ()

would ordinarily occur during”

L lmes at the striking .cen- =
the only expense invo

y during this entira l" o
expenditure of $1.1¢

6 Labor Commissi ’56

» made by the Adjut

take advantage of \5_-0
to exXpress my

to the labor depart
sae Adjutant-Genera! 50
16 splendid work th .
them In the way

Y with my offica in
difMicult situntion. g

| #ituatin was a mot

nd while many Stal i
1ad large forces wi IL[ d

Hlem, 1| am glad t.

\ the courtesy an
or Alexander Fe /é 5
er of the Stat
nigsion, this e
eve, In a
in _any oth
t was $1.0

stage, ete, /d

b feit. \5—
‘he th. v

1E 5 16/
Hee the

jumped C/\S_
her de:

/- all th ’ L.r
pfulness ' OO
lon of t} Wi
e, reache i
fen sup .,
rent, .
’ are ati)l \j

which w
n amount
‘ht. years "l
when the

f Publies) " 7 4
ith the bud i

mate for ths

predecessor 6 e
ring the bu

11022-1024, wi

adopted at t l
wdeneral Assem!

ar, in making

i AMm sure, was ‘38

concelved to b
neither he, no e
‘wplating that
fartain murce.l' 3b
50 severely cut
[ ome Wan Ihq I 65
| al Assembly,
slation bill ¢

sfennfum {ron 16'
oruary 29, %:24. '\

o in. approving !
eatly upon the ¢ b o



4 that were repo
‘& for appropriation