EWP 3-1 DSC 0002


EWP 3-1 DSC 0002
EWP DSC 0002
recommendations, commission, simplification, economy, reorganization, state government, departments, abolish, efficiency, consolidation
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extracted text
Dhia L2~ — P
‘ i Senate committee

announced yesterda:

: 0/}\,&7 g = g '

| : 18 committee and

| t nate place new

| : I ‘ ‘ | / 1/ s E N A ‘ ; 1ship of eight

i ] - - old chairmen

‘ A f - ] - g the eightee
' . this =se

L e~

i e 16— COLf—~——
t‘ b SRl i : (0 Wt

2 ——
A PN Vs AR O o
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Goode, of Dinwide,
ator Mapp as heai:
tée on Moral and S

Layman Is h

heads the joint commi

fal, Private and Locai
The complete commitiec

ments follow:

Byl:ldrmnao;—G;n;n. Holt, Euauay, e

o nn, erguson, Jeffreys, olative socipari

‘Crockett, Wickham, Lesner, Mills, . b st

Epes, Lambeth, Buchanan, Smith f Caucus Defers Elecfi‘- :: 'fi'u“'e: ':' 7
mts are made. The

(W. Worth, Jr.), Parsons.

Roads and Internal Navigation.—
Dyrd, Jeffreys, Ferguson,

7 r Early, ko ; % ay fixe :

Noodson, Layman, Vaughan, L xnw Reeelwd 5 p‘" - -

3 Goode, aom‘ % P L e it 2 ?- 3 1“‘.fi g
: 3 .on 3314, The Governor shal


3 1
LI 3o . e (
i@‘n AN, % yson rockett -
2 4 y ent, Johnson, Beat) { J(
) S/ & ¢ , ) : » 0 4 - -
I*- (‘\' g f/"‘- '4 6 [-ea wboe ) GIVEN NEW MEN Moral, Sosial and ( (7 L AKX r 01/ a,zw(
2 7 4 —Goods, Jaffreys, Holt
3 :
: :" 3, o \»;\du. 45 ¥ & Layman, Sfwank Barr i
| Eig} M | Bmast, Noell, Parsons "1;““' ”‘V”T; of ‘the commission is
wight Major S X County, City and To not expected from the printer be-
g ] Senate Com- e ‘I 2\’!1*‘!1 i ;n“ fore Monday, and the summary does
. & zation—L. n, an, not glve t
2 mittees Presided Over | Lesner, Willix, Workmas C B e e e e
. d 5 il 3 Y vhich he commission woul
o by Newcomers \’i“n':.”. e "“”""‘-%L”J - recognize the State government,
. ol 2 g L ] - o a "; 3 Srii but ths skeleton outline presented
e &~ ’ ; 4 ‘ ienerdl Law s—AMdills, : t _j to the Senate yesterday divides the
; ; % L"ff‘::\- “:!:“ ' MH\;K D UL e administrative structure of the
i 2. Lt MILLS GIVEN POSTS| | (aitra €3, Xoe s o Ao o g
pEyay - / A v n A 4 k/ = { \‘..r.‘r“‘, 1) 'Pa;wé‘q' o complete reorganization the com-
: 1 A o i gk . ; fl A e XIS | S “ 38 s : \mlsa\v-n does mot hope to see ac-
/h & :5 et CS L v‘/‘*“-! k (‘L“ & l"{ Lo ) )\ . ‘ : ¥ 7 S 1s H 1 fn:'“x)rrl\f‘v\‘;r‘lxr‘:fi.\(‘“‘fl;‘u:'"1 a complished immediately, but tus
o ! . ) % [ducceeds i ot h - PIRATEIRY S, £ AR i {le tion re ; 5
1 . , ) Tt ) AN i 2 eds Hening on General 7| woodson, Swank. White, Jo” | ‘ahf'v‘\.;\.”,‘g‘,"’lf"":fi:,:x‘\‘: L
' a1 3 e o/ T r ¢ My -~ e ~ .| Noell, East, Beaty. Thompso g o e 2
£ i 4 (. H. i<t - - s
s 7 Marezon, - (3 8 rsres s } - 4 aws, and Cannon on | doint Committée 61 BOECIA g !dm(:‘l; lish Two OM
s » ! Fi vate and Local Legislation.— * FROE e ase
. inance Bod- ham. Barron, Rarksdale, NAL Q44| Making public the summary ot
| Rall recommendations in advance of the 3
/ | report was made fmperative by t..e ¢

: $93 sl 4 I 7 N
k i i ) / ,z A (f ( ( Exécutive F_xn-‘nfllturot—'

s O S s
i : L. 1 .
3 7 3 > T4 . Sens
i ’ t f / 7 o ) et e & ,; A4 s AA 2.7 Gene
! % e . 'Senate
i i
i d } 8 /o 5 nanc
] L — wance ¢ /
| L by ! = L BR6 (ol
: { L33 f : Senator : ’
§:2 849 ! 7 - L . chairman «/ 1
IR} § jCourts of Ju. ( Ofhoers—Ball, Smith )
£ i {Downing, of . “ U 3R, Jonnson . verting it from
: \ M : Committee on ¥ Ha t B into a commis:
. <. ¥ A rinting—Haddon, Holt.
a8 3 Senator Samue !_i_:_:_!_______n-____ ! 7 ne Auditor of Pu
. Appomattox, was ( . " A 1 two members
¢ of the Committee ‘0 v the Governor,
Banking and S Pyt et ynfirmation of the &
x of the DIl provi

Senat ¥ < :
New c.‘.’.'uf’i’.fif srx d,g > ! ter 'consist of the Aut
{ i . ' counts, ex-officio,
the Committee on Cou 4 ic Ac b o oo*‘“
( 3 ‘(‘-}oT:?no:s I';;‘bject pto

) e

Town Organization, ° 3
Henry T. Wickham, » W

A LE & iy " » »
_(-!i LR /“)'r-;'l 'l_! \'.\’_»\} y ¥ "‘!


5 k1 .“


fact that the commission will rec~

Clement, Swank, Johnson
ommend abolishment of two offices

Enrolled Bills—Vaughan,

Nominations—Booker, Wooao » e

2’ . treys, Wickham, Noell Ha t—(l.a! of ‘Second Auditor and that
Workman, Smith (Alfred == \l of Register of the Land-Office—
{ which were to have been filled at

last night's caucus. Senator Gunn
asked that these two elections be
deferred until the commission’s re-
port has been ¢onsidered. The of-
fices are held by Rosewell Pag
and Colonel John W. Richard~

The summary includes a comw
f all the statutory enact’

Library — Buchanan D §
WHTETED: }/\_‘Q ititutional amend
<he requied to plar

Ts Bxamina Office of A
s of the com’

Puhlie Accounts—Swank, s
dals, SBtubbs. : ) 4,
ith Equalizati ‘-

i Beaty, Amés, Parsong b e %
Te EMxamine the Clerks e
| tha + Senate—Noell Ball, East - .
Rules—President of the e
| Preaident pro tem of the Ser
and ehairman of the Comm
tor Courts 6f Justice

S R L A o, A


gon, Mills, Swank

i ot -

g A A

Toe Examine )
Office—Lesner, Wickham S it
6 Examine Office of ‘tant feature ¢4 4 ;
ter of the Land Office- the section ?: z ;
ualization of 3

[ | Ball, Clement
f (‘_1 To Bxamine Treasurs on not only p
| Lambeth, GArrett, Par® rtant work u
o Examine Bonds. Board, but '

e reorganization of the ta:
) follows:
A N 2 @ 5 hoard known as the State
d d a:d shoM

oard is continue

the Senate, for

mBS rl' “years: provided, he
o first appointments
o all be for terms of

d six years, respectiy

s occurring on the b

; Unfil simllfification 1 . ‘members shall re’

jate one of

pers to be chalrman of 1B