EWP 3-1 DSC 0002


EWP 3-1 DSC 0002
EWP DSC 0002
political landscape, early 20th century, Senate, chairmanships, committees, state government, departments, Senator Gunn, Colonel John W. Richardson, Commission on Simplification, Economy
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b 18 & . ;



son, Crackett

T e : g .
CVENNEWNEN S, Gy Aot t oy e
—Goods, Jeffreys, Holt,

Layman, Swank, Barr
F' l e | mast, Noell, Parsons The report of ‘the commission is
D ¥ % = g A __ not expected from the printer be-
1ght Z\IH]OI‘ Senate Com- County, City and Tow fore Monday, and the summary does
i1 — > n Gu O - .
zation—Layman, sunn, not give full details of the method
| | 8mith (Alfred C.), Johns recognize the government

mittees Presided Over | Liesner, Willls Workmar fi p} C by which the commission would
- g State

Rn::r.:' - 3 it but the skeleton outline presented
renéral Latws—NMills, X { to the Senate yesterday divides the
D ULy Ae

Jeftreys, Holt, BSwank administrative structure of the

by Newcomers.

MILLS GIVEN POSTS | ‘l‘\“;r:d ‘?_fl‘\'knti:n“ Bar; :‘nq‘ ,S te into twelve departme-‘s. This
o ‘ “.'r:‘.”‘, i lPu;wr.: sm ‘t' 1plete reorganization the com-
i rth, J.), 4ot shebide : mission does mot hope to s€e aAC~
ucceeds Hel"llg on General 7| Woodson Swank " white, 10”7 | iegisition recommended would pre-
- N F‘!Y FA o Th A% 7“ | pare the way for this eventual 4on-
Laws, and Can B N it ch s O paoRgE
non on . Joint Committee on Spe A \ Abolish T om
: vate and Local Legislati 5 s s P
Finance Bod- .| nam, Barron, Barksdale, Making public the summary of
recommendations in advance of the


‘ i

| Rall T

S Nominations—Booker Wooa V PN port was made imperative by tl.e
Senate committee Clement, 8wank, Johnson | fact that the commission will rec-
announced yesterdas Enrolled Bills—Vaughan, ,lommend abolishment of two offices
& committee and 1 freys, Wiekham, Noell Ha Q‘ —that of Second Auditor and that
nate place new | Workman, Smith (Alfrad = ‘of Register of the Land-Office—

{ | which were to have been filled at

last night's caueus. Senator Gunn

1ship of elght Beaty, Amés, Parsons. ¥
9ut - Shivmen 1 Te EMxamine the Clerks Offic "
- the eightee | tha Senate—~Noell, Ball, East - .

RfaRRL AV Rules—President ot the Be
this ac | President pro tem of the Ser
and chairman of the Comm
tor Courts 6f Justiee

Exécutive F.xp-*nfll!urr-t—'
gon, Mills, Swank

Library — Buchanan D §
Workman )/‘LQ

T4 Bramins Office of A

asked that these two elections be
deferred until the commission’'s re-
port has been ¢onsidered. The of-
fices are held by Rosewell Pag
and Colonel John W. Richard~
The summary includes a comw
¢ all the statutory enact’
stitutional amend
<he requied to plas

/',1 % [f( (

:uh\i: \;Vm‘mtqr sl \E‘tt wms of the com’,
s als, Stubbs. g < \ .
Sens To Examine Sesbud af\ll\' é’k‘ ith Equalisati L
Gene Office—Lesner, Wickham . a X g
S o o Examine Office of tant fea‘lgze
nance C / | ter of the Land Office- the ‘5“““{“
W. A. Ga ( 4 ( {4 Ball, Clement. ualization ©
Rl 1 % Mxamine Tresure on not only p
Benator . ; | Lambeth, GArrett, Par® rtant work; 4
z.':;:]‘:::‘a”f L { To BExamine Bonds 30:‘"1 :Jz:lvox.
l)o‘.\'n-lno J';A e Ottt Bih v !;et-hr‘g:u;[ h:on
'L‘ommitf' of -, .. Jr.). Johnson =R i ‘e
ee on B. Printing—Haddon, Holt. : ;“;0“‘;12‘:_'"0"; s
r n &

Senator Samue | ot sl
t E o — P A 1 two members tc

-‘\tl)l):mmtox, was ke 1
of the Committee y the Governor,
Banking and S ~— ynfirmation of the &
<tion of the bili provie

S s o
UR : A N 2 @ - hoard known ‘s ;h: i?\l‘:

ator Mapp as hea
ioard is continue

tée on Moral and S
: ter ‘consist of the Aut
E ’£u~w\.‘lc Accounts, ex-officio, j
S .+ members to be appo! ~
- Governor, subject to
s e

Senator George W f)
New Castle, was :elc“:&
’lrhe Conbmlttee on Cou 273
own rganization, e
Henry T. Wickham, » W
heads the joint commli
fal, Private and Locai
The complete commitiec
ments follow:
Finance—Garrett, Holt, Eauwy,
Byrd, Gunn, Ferguson, Jeffreys,
Crockett, Wickham, Lesner, Mills,
Epes, Lambeth, Buchanan, Smith |
(W. Worth, Jr.), Parsons. l
Roads and Internal Navigation.—
!?,vrd. Jeffreys, Ferguson, Early,
Moodson, Mills, Layman, Vaughan,
Booker, Goode, _White, Rogers,
Thompson, Beaty, Stubbs. L
- Courts of Justice—G!
Downing, .Goode, Epes
Swank, Buchanan, Will
Ames, Barron, ksdale,
Smith (Altred €). B

Layman Is h
the Senate, for

mBS rl" “rears: provided, h
8 first appointments
& all be for terms of

W six years, respectiy

3 occurring on die b
¢ : : uomtl;:‘ mb‘;x:hlp 4
a De : ¢ be filled for the unex
ucus fers Electic wosame = - ~eH

i 1 mts are made. The
members shall re
be fixe

e reorganization of the ta: