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Loudoun County Public Schools
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/3 Superintendent Files and Annual Reports/3-1_Emerick_Essays/Emerick_Files/supervision/EWP_Supervision_002.jpg
extracted text
?&ge 2
will sit down and take time eough to eat.
7o At recess time taose who do not gce home to lunch belong
_on the school grounds snd should be allowed to leave only
~ under the most urgent nccessitye. Shopping for parenis
usuaily should bes done before or after school or at =
- wacant perliod rather than at recess time,
l. e are »epchinz punila for sdult life but also %ec live
NoWae Heatness, orderliness, =nd system in %the school~room
are s iwuortant as clean cOpy-books gorrect speech, cetc.
2. What general zppesrance do the wdndow curimins give?
Preguently the tescher might keep them better adjustied,
sometimes they can be repaired, one cood ore made out of
two poar one$.‘etc.,‘
X :
3. Is the tescher’'s ueshs kept in fairly good sr“er inside
ard on *!mp"’> ’ ‘
4. Do pupils put. fheir bosgs in aefihv before dismissnl?
5. No room can do withoutfa wgste-baflket. The stove is
not a uuostitute. - Paper boxes, peach bagzets, @uC., Can
‘be usede ' — . =
64 Is there eviuence of an ef*ar e;teacner te kee; tha
- floor elean from scraps, ete? - ng the*fiis;enbashst xs
xeapxiRzx just before ertch 413misbul is & good praciice,.
Have pupiL nclq busiket &t doory Ox sel ou floor.
7e ?requently fiqerfiprgnment of two pupils: in each room for
a week, letting cthers tace their turn, as house-keepers
wiil sulvw 4he wnole preblem of the appcarsnce of the room
ani teach the desired 1b8303 in the best masnner possible
Be Blackrbeardb and ehalx rails need clenning frequently.
'*lifit“*fid ?itfl paper from
'saéze,ehigfly talks
measure is to place &
hildren that every
: ;by fihem and put
Se The ground Efi’y be eefl‘&mue”
lunch boxes, etc. FPreve
to the children, 4 good
‘barrel on the sdhecl grounds,
sorap of paper, etc., is to he
in the barrel.—g;, , .
1. School 133%8 anly half aay for nupils bnt all day for
teaehers on tha oPening day. ' The best results can be