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Loudoun County Public Schools
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; = Page 3 = .
aCGOmpIIShéa infithe,aftéinoéfi‘if,all-teaehers are at"the A
: séhoo;,builaing wonere they canrggnsult ihe princlipale.
2¢ On the first afternoon & provisional daily working pro-
- gram should be made by %each grade feacher and submitted to
- the principal. Same'impcrtantrqgasticns t¢ ask eoncern-
ing this program sie,. - 2 =
%3 8. Dees it include every subjeet required to be tsught?
The ststutes of Vigginiz reglired thal in every publiec
school there shall be tsught orthographly, reading,
writing, arithmeticm, grammar, geogranhy, physiology,
and hyglene, civil government, drawing, history of the
United states, and history of Virginia. The printed
. tex:t book list and the elementary course of study, .
page £7b6, will gnide. Yhere some difference is nofed
in the tvc the text book list should be followed unless
ap error ils known %o exist. ' : ==
b. Does the progran recognise thst eertain subjectis are
of more importance than others and <11ot a proportion-
ately greater iime? For example, reading in the earlier
graded is of most lmportance snd ghould have the most
sdvantageous place on the BEz progran and the most fime
of any subjeat. =
¢. Does the progranm make such combinstion or alteration
of classes as may seom rnecessary? Tnis 1s dependent
upon the pumber of grades taught by teachers v
%+ 1s the teacher obsarv;ng’théfhsvrs?indicated on her pro=
gram with a falr degrce of sceuracy? Does she alvays have
all the classce as scheduled? ~
Needed text books should be in hands of every pupil within
g few days after schools open. Principals can render
valusble help as follows: = - '
1. Have & plan for esch teacher to assist in hendling second
hand books so they will be placed in hsands of pupils desiring
£e Vhere pupils sre not aéeeésible tec store get a list of
nev books recu ired the first morning. Phen in the afternoon
gel some ome 10 go o nearest desler for these or go yourself.
b¢ Make freq;entgigqu1r$'after the firet day to determine if
any pupils are without books. - = '
board member all
4. Report promptly %o superintendent , =
f order for books to be