/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/16 Photography and Videos/BlackResearch/BHC BlacK History/ProsperityBaptist/schoolrecords/RuffnerArchives/EWP_RuffnerRichmond01.jpg
extracted text
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Manthester Buresu—Carter's Drug srm.
utufiwl £ L.'Roptr 67 Sycamorne
Rtimdmml manihemmm
m\fisw o
‘m‘D.\'! HO\'E_RBE‘H-]?. IDOL
“d ‘priug’ Mu an arilcle from the
venerable: [ Wiallam HHenry® Rufiner.
in eritdeiom. or lhn rreposed public-schodl’
alfllnnm now under discussion lo.ihe
Confliunlm Comeentton. If thero fs &
, man in~ Vlrwmin whose opinlon on this
mb)et: is \'u.ln.u‘hle and wortly of l:uns]d-
mmm’,mubr Ruftner.” o is
o theroughly trained educator and bas {
devoled hin whale Life 1o edueational pur-
:n!u e was graduatrd from the old
1\‘,ashmm College (mow’ Whashingtlon
agd Lea tnlmm In 1842, and for'l
many years was Hs; presidest. e alse
hed theolozwnl training aud {8 cduentnd
in heary o5 well as jn° mind, In ST, whet
there Fsa & a.ron; senflmcnt In Virginia
qnlm freéo schools, - espectally” againdt
freo scheols: for Uie ocduestion of the
negroes. Dr. Jiuffner wrole some of the
eblest papera on that subjeet which have
come from the pea -of any man, and
Wreugh newspapers and periodlenls, as
well ar through publie lectures, be rought
b bring comnviction th the minds of the
people. Inm' that year ho was olected Qu-
perintendient of Tublle Insiroetion in this
State, and within thirty days afier his
e!mion,_he Bad gutmiticd lo tha Logite
latore 2o ontlined school system, which
n & few weeks e clabordied nto &
complete school Jaw, and the: bill was
‘passed eubstentlaily @8 bo wrots i
Tpon the maas;c of thiz bill he organiz rc i
e schucls so promptly and eBcledly
that at’ ths cnd of the year 8071,
Aifteen. thoueand children wers reporicd
o nttendanee, and the schodls have
Steodily grown from 1hat time, a8 has also
the sentiment o Javer of popular cduca-
These statemonts are likew from »
sketeh of Dr. Ruffapr hw Miss Colestin